Dia de Los Muertos

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Finally! The day is here. The souls and I had arrived to the land of the living. As all the would went to find their families, I just walked around. Looking at everyone made a bittersweet feeling in my heart. I was happy for them but sad I was the only one alone on this day.
As I walked out of the cemetary I bumped into someone and fell. Strange, no human has had such an effect on me.

"Pardon me." A deep voice said. I looked up expecting to see a human standing in front of me. Instead I was met with a tall dark figure. I gasped. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said as he extended a hand. I reached out for it and was pulled back up.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"No no, that was all me my dear." He chuckled. When we made eye contact I felt a connection. We both had the same dumbfounded look on our face. "Uh, forgive me. My name is Xibalba." He said giving a cocky grin.

Xibalba. Where have I heard that name before? Oh right, he's the fuller of the land of the forgotten. Souls who's family members don't bother to remember them. I've heard stories about him from the humans. They say he's evil and ugly. I personally never met Xibalba, until now. The ugly rumor was a lie.


"La Muerte." Xibalba said speaking for me. "I've heard so much about you from Candlemaker."

"You know Candlemaker?"

"Of course! Were best friends."

"I didn't know."

"So what is a lovely goddess doing alone on a wonderful night like this?"

"I'm always alone." I say. "You would think after all this time I would be use to it." I chuckle.

"Well may I accompany you, if that's okay."

"Sure." I say.

Xibalba and I spent the whole night talking. Mostly about how it would be nice that one day we would meet someone special. We had a lot in common, we both like the color red, dulces and fiestas. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

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