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i guess this is my fate
unloved by your loved
unwanted by your wanted
the people inside of my dragon
may be friendly
but the people of my town
every time they see me
they don't smile in my face
like they do when they see
the girl with the halo
she and the man with horns made
some friends there
he easily forgot me
forgot that i'm then reason he's here
in the first place
i can see it, the sky turning red
but nobody else can
they just continue doing their
traditional dances, oblivious
to the way i'm propped next to
the sky is getting redder,
i feel tears coming out
maybe i don't even have fate
maybe i'm just here to exist
i feel myself defying gravity
gravity taking another direction
and i get pulled up my dragon's
throat, into his big, warm hand
he says;
let me take you for a joyride,
would like to watch the sea tides?

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