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after i heard the poem
after a couple of days
after getting it out of my head
i had a million questions running through my brain
should i say
how did the dragon find out
everything that even i don't know
it's like he has bookshelves of books
filled with my family's history,
nope, it's like he has lived with us
the sad thing is, i don't even understand
half of the poem
i'm not a witch. i'm supernatural.
just not a witch
i'm also alive. all well and alive.
not a collection of life and demise
what i have is not a curse, it's a gift
it's having an infinite imagination,
and making it come to reality.
it's not a bad thing, right?
but i do smell like death,
i am death,
and i need answers cause right now
the me that's in the poem
is not the me that i know

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