Chapter 5: Familiar

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Important A/N: I'm going to be calling Dipper Pines "Pines" and Dipper Gleeful "Gleeful" because you know the whole confusing which Dipper is which and stuff. So I'll just be calling them by their last name. On with the chapter!

"You... you know everything about me already?" Pines asks.

"Are you deaf? He literally just said that," Mabel rolls her eyes.

"Sorry. So um... are you like, me from another dimension or something?" Pines questions.

"Yeah I guess so. I mean, we even have the same birthmark and the same looks. But that's where the similarities end." Gleeful brings his hand up and a bright blue flame enflames out of mid air. "I obviously have magic." He smirks.

"Well I got shit to do with Candy and Grenda, so bye." Mabel waves and sways out the room.

"So how are you, Pines?" Gleeful asks.

"Confused. Scared. Home sick. And kinda itchy." Pines scratches his arm. (throwback to into the bunker 😭)

"I would transport you back to your dimension, but... SOMEONE *eyes Will Cipher* had to break it." Gleeful rolls his eyes. "*Cough* WILL *Cough*" A bead of sweat forms on Will's forehead.

"It's fine... but thank you for letting me stay here..."

"It's no problem... and Mabel can get a little bitchy at times, so don't mind her." Gleeful chuckles.

For the next few hours, they talk about their life in Gravity and Reverse Falls and how everything is so alike, yet so different at the same time. How Gleeful has powers and has Journal 2. And how Pines has Journal 3 with his Uncle being the author. But what they didn't talk about was that Mabel and Dipper Gleeful... are murderers.

"My parents live in Piedmont, California and I visit my Grunkle Stan every summer. The portal that I fell through was actually in his house. Hey, where are your parents?" Pines asked.

Gleeful's eyes widened a little bit, shivering at the memory. Mabel and him were playing in their room, they had recently discovered Will Cipher and stole his powers. The new black magic... it was doing something to their brains. But they didn't know, they were just children. The magic drove them insane. Their parents grounded Mabel for a reason that he doesn't even remember anymore-- but what he does remember is that it caused Mabel and Dipper Gleeful to snap and kill their own parents... The government quickly sent them to their closest relative- Stanford Gleeful in Reverse Falls, Oregon. The twins covered their tracks and it was labeled as a suicide in the death files. Will Cipher warned them about becoming power hungry and that the magic was too much to handle for young mortals. But as children, they didn't know they could snap at any moment and accidentally kill people. But that was just the beginning.
"T-they died in a car accident when me and Mabel were kids..." Gleeful lied.

"Oh... I'm sorry," Pines had a sympathetic expression across his face and looked down.

"No, it's fine. You wouldn't have known. Just don't bring it up around Mabel- she gets pissed easily. Actually, I think it's just best not to talk to her unless she speaks to you first. It takes a long time for her to get used to somebody."

"Really? My Mabel will warm up to anyone and always tries to cheer people up. I guess it really is Reverse Falls here," Pines chuckles.

"Yeah, heh..." Gleeful looks at the clock and its 1:37 am. "Wow, I guess we've been talking for a long time. You can sleep if you want. I need to go check on Mabel. Bye Pines..." Gleeful smiles and waves.

"Bye Gleeful..." Pines finds a bag of Doritos next to him and starts eating.

*~Dipper Pines Pov~*

How weird... This place is filled with just as many mysteries as Gravity Falls. This Gleeful guy... I feel like I'm connected to him somehow. Like I feel butterflies in my stomach or something when I was talking to him. Maybe it's because we are different versions of each other or something... at least I hope that's the reason. Shivers run down my spine at the memory of me coming out as bi to Mabel a year ago... Heh. I don't like Gleeful like that. It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about him.

*~3:00 in the morning~*

I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE lol sorry it took literally forever. I hope you liked that chapter and if you did, please consider voting and following me for future updates and more books! But anyways, comments are certainly welcome :) thank you for reading and stay tuned for more chapters!

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