Chapter 7: Wake Up

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"MABEL!" Dipper Pines hollers at his sister as her body levitates over to the portal.

"Dipper! Help me!" She screams, tears streaming. Dipper grabs some rope and throw its over to her. She catches it, but she falls into the portal anyways, engulfing her entire body.

"MABEL!!" Dipper jerks up out of the bed, shivering from the nightmare. Breathe, Dipper. Breath. Stop hyperventilating, it's just a dream, He tells himself. Great. You're up until 3:45 am thinking about Gleeful and when you DO go to sleep you have a nightmare. He glanced at the clock next to him, it's 8:23 am.

"Sir, are you awake? Is there anything tr-troubling you?" a voice says, coming from the doorway. The first thought that would come to Dipper's mind would be Bill Cipher's voice. But listening to it a little closer, and you would notice that there was a slight stutter and it has more of a humble sound to it. And no echo. He looks over and sees the man from when he first woke up in this dimension, who called over the Gleefuls the day he was sucked into his Great Uncle's invention.

"No, nothing is really troubling me. I just miss my sister. It was just a nightmare," he responds.

"I'm s-sorry I couldn't be there to change it into a good dream. I was busy earlier—"

"Wait, you can change nightmares into good dreams?" Dipper asked, interested in the concept.

"Y-Yes. But it just takes a lot of energy out of me, and I have to be super focused and I was just super busy earlier. S-Sorry about that..."

"Oh no no, it's fine don't worry about it.  But it's just... Wow. That's so cool how you can do the exact opposite as—"


"Um yeah— how would you know about him? I thought you guys were like the same person just different dimensions..."

"No, we're brothers. Demons don't have inter dimensional counterparts like humans, unless they really want to. Humans on the other hand, don't have a choice and automatically have a counterpart."

"Oh that's so cool—"

"Will, I thought I told you to tell me when he wakes up." A man in the hallway interrupts him, sternly. Dipper Gleeful.

"S-sorry master... Won't do it again master." Will gulps and scurries out the room.

"Sorry, it was my fault he didn't call you right away. He was just telling me about inter dimensional stuff about demons and what his abilities are and its so cool—" Pines' face lit up at the thought of paranormal creatures and Gleeful smiled at his expression. "Oh! Are there a bunch of paranormal anomalies here in Reverse Falls too? Oh that would be so cool!" Pines' face was certainly happy.

"Yes, there are a lot. We'll talk more about it at breakfast." Dipper Gleeful gestured the other to come with him downstairs.

"Okay! Cool! I just need to go to the bathroom... could you uh—" Pines paused. "—show me where it is? Please Gleeful?"

"Oh, third door to the left. By the way, you don't have to call me Gleeful. Just call me Mason, our real name."

(A/N : Dipper's real name was revealed to be Mason in the Real Life Journal 3 recently, so I figured instead of calling them by their last names, I'll just have Dipper Gleeful go by "Mason" and normal Dipper Pines go by his normal nickname.)

"You're okay with that?" Dipper asked.

"Yeah, and I know you don't like it when people call you it, and I don't care if people do or don't call me Mason. Plus it's all confusing and stuff. The nickname Dipper was given to me mostly just so that more people were interested in me and Mabel's show because of the whole abnormal birthmark thing anyways." Mason points at his forehead. Unlike Dipper, he shows it off and gels his hair back to attract more attention to it.

"Okay then... Mason." The name still felt foreign on Dipper's tongue. "Anyways... Ima go pee now BYE." And Dipper practically ran to the bathroom, face red. He really needed to go. That, and he was embarrassed and felt weird for talking to Mason for so long, because of last night when he literally thought about him until 3 am like how Mabel fan girled over random crushes in middle school.

Mason watched as Dipper sprinted to the bathroom and chuckled as he ran like how Ansel Elgort did in that Insurgent movie. (A/N : Insurgent fans where ya at? 🙋🏻) Mason sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he walked down the stairs of the Gleeful Mansion to the kitchen. Not surprisingly, seeing Will preparing breakfast for everyone.

"Good morning, sister." Mason greeted Mabel sitting at the table (A/N : ha that rhymes)

"Hello Mason." She replied coldly as she sipped her tea. His sister was like this towards everyone, even him sometimes. Maybe she was in a bad mood today. But, she always acts cold blooded and rude to people, when they don't have something she wants or doesn't know them. Mason could be cold like her sometimes, but less often and intense than his older twin. She was always the colder sibling. Mason ignored his sister's obvious bitchiness and his thoughts wandered over to Dipper. The way his face lights up whenever he talks about people he loves, or when he talks about something he's passionate about... it's quite cute, actually. He's so caring and honest and—

"B-breakfast is ready masters." Will's voice interrupted Mason's thoughts as he served them their breakfast.

• Dipper Pine's Pov •

I literally sprinted to the bathroom, how embarrassing. I smack my forehead and look at myself in the mirror.
"Bag check for Dipper's eyes!" He can hear his Grunkle's voice in his head.

"You look like a vampire! And not the hot kind. Wake up with some Mabel juice!" Mabel offers. He smiles at the memories. He misses his sister and his Grunkles and Soos... He exhales and notices he's wearing the same clothes since yesterday. Whatever. He doesn't do his laundry that much anyways. I'll just ask Mason for extra clothes later. He does his... business and then washes his hands. Quickly drying them and running down the stairs. He notices that this looks like the Northwest Mansion back when he got rid of that ghost when he was 12, except the carpets weren't red, instead they were blue.

He smells pancakes and follows the smell to the kitchen. The moment he walks through the door, Mabel Gleeful shoots daggers at him. Mason notices this and elbows his twin in the arm and gestures Dipper to sit next to him.

Well, I can tell that she just loves me already. Dipper thinks sarcastically.

A/N : Hey guys! I kind of had author's block after that last chapter sorry about that. But now I kind of have a more clear vision of what the rest of the book will be like. And yes, I changed the names again, because they released Dip's real name so I thought "Why not use this instead of the last names?" It just sounds better to me tbh. Anyways, feel free to comment/vote/follow etc it's always appreciated. Until the next chapter <3

       ~Blossom xoxo

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