Already messing up.

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Kelly pov

"baby I got a meeting to go to for the club. I'll be leaving soon." I said stoking Mariaa's hair. She nodded. "okay, just don't take long ig." she said looking up at me. "you hate it when daddy leaves huh?" I said kissing her cheek. she looked at me. "not just that, I know when you hang out with August and them you like to drink and all that to show them your not a whimp." she said. "well I mean yeah, i'm the youngest one out of them I want to show them just because I am young I can handle my own" I said. "and you can but you don't need to prove that to anyone." Mariaa said. "but I do, but I do." I said. "don't you know that Rashad has been talking about you and cutting you short of your share of the stupid club? that's why I stopped talking to Nelly, she was telling the other girls what Rashad was saying about you." She said. I sighed loudly. "Baby your pregnant and I know sometimes they imagine things so Ima let it go, he's my nigga he ain't gonna take from he or talk about me, only females do that shit."  I said putting my jacket on. She sighed. I rubbed her belly "Just chill, I don't want you to worry about alldat, and anyway just let God handle it. I'm straight." I said. She looked at me. I kissed her and her belly. "We love you" she said. "I love y'all too" I smiled. I grabbed my key and got inside my car.

"Hello?'" I said answering my phone at a red light. "aye bro" Rashad said. "what's good?" I said. what if Mariaa is telling the truth, I gotta keep my guard up. Mariaa wouldn't lie to me. "I need you to come pick me up bro, Nelly got the car and my car in the shop." Rashad. I sighed. "okay bro im omw" I said. I hung up. I turned all the way around. He lives right by me. SO that pissed me off .

"finally yall here" August said. "Kellly drives slow as shit." Rashad said. "No I don't, I was almost her-" I started "okay, okay, who cares lets start this meeting" August said. I sucked my teeth and sat down. "okay anyway Rashad why you call this meeting?"  Chris said. "i want to discuss pay cuts and adding strippers to the club." He said. "I'm all for the strippers but the pay cut, hell nah." August said. "you're not getting the pay cut." Rashad said. "okay so who is?" Chris said. "Kelly is." he said. "what are you fucking kidding me?" I said getting up. "yo Kel calm down." Chris said. "hell nah, my fucking girl is pregnant and you know she wanna get married" I said. "bro, you the youngest  and y'all only having one kid. It will still be enough for you to take care of her and your kid. August, Chris and I have more than one kid bro." Rashad said. "Bro i put the most money in this stupid club. I put all of my college money in this bro! My parents and Mariaa is gonna kill me when I don't go to school on the fall" I said. "Yo Rashad that's kinda fucked up. He did put the most in this club." August said. "Bro, chill out. Yall gonna be good. You still gonna go to college bro just save money." He said. I'm so pissed. I was about to charge at him but August and Chris held me back. "No no" "yo chill Kel" they said "fuck this" I mumbled and went to my car. I started to drive home. My phone started to blow up nonstop. I rolled my eyes. And then I saw Mariaa calling. I answered "yeah baby, you okay?" I said. "Yes, im okay I just wanted to know if your okay?" She said. I sighed "yeah I'm good baby." I said rubbing my temples. "Are you sure cause Sierra called and told me that the guys were looking for you." She said. I immediately got more pissed off. "Tell her to tell them don't fucking bring shit to my girl this has nothing to fucking do with you. I don't want you to stress out over bs." I said.

You might think I'm over exaggerating but I'm not. Last year Mariaa had a miscarriage. And it was because they continued to call her over bs and she stressed out. I don't need that happening again.

"Kel , baby calm down. Its not that serious they just wanted to know if you are going to be okay. ". She said. "I'm straight Mariaa!" I yelled She sighed "okay Kel." She said quietly. I knew I hurt her feelings. "I''m sorry baby. How about we go to the movies when I get home." I said. "Okay" she said. "I love you sm baby." I said. "I love you more" she said. "Oooooh and baby where that outfit I like too" I said biting my lips. She giggled "okay okay" I smiled we hung up.  I'm about 30 minutes away from home but Ima take my time so baby girl can get sexy for me . My phone started to ring again. I answered "ABOUT FUCKIN TIME SHIT" August said. "Bro, what the hell yall want?" I said. "Bro chill I ain't do nothing to you, I just wanna make sure you good." He said. "No I'm not good." I said. "Bro if you need help I'll help you out I'll give you a little something and sierra won't be mad cause she love you and Mariaa yall like her little brother and sister." He said. "But that's the fucking thing I don't want anyone to help me I wanna do it on my own. I want to make my wife happy on my own. I wanna take care of my family on my own" I said. "Bro there is nothing wrong with getting help" he said. I sighed. "Aye aye lemme talk lemme talk. Bro I know how hard it is to take care of a child with a low income I know. It was hard just let us help you." Chris said. I sighed . "Fine whatever" I said. "Good, your one stubborn ass mothea fucka" August said.

"Baby you ready?" I asked walking in. She didn't answer. "Babe" i started to walk to the door. I heard crying. I opened the door and seem Mariaa on the floor crying. She had a bloody nose and a huge bruise on her face. I ran to her. "Baby what happened?!" I held her close to me. She just kept crying. I looked at her belly, Thank God there were no bruises and I can see our baby moving a little bit. I rubbed her belly. "Calm down mama, calm down daddies here. Calm down baby girl I'm here." I said talking to the baby rubbing her belly. I kissed her head. I saw a note on the bed. I grabbed it.

The note.

Your gonna learn not to disrespect me. Your gonna learn your hanging with the wrong crowd. You should listen to your wife and find the rats in your crew.

What? "Baby who this? Who did this?" I said. "I-I-I don't know I was just getting ready ..... it happened so fast" she said crying harder I sighed. She held on to me tighter. "It's okay baby it's okay I'm here I'm here."


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