in school

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Annie's note~ okay so the last one.... well was shitty...! to the max! I'm sorry! ugh! but, i swear this time is going to be better! promise!Just leave me a comment of what you think of the whole thing so far!

Thanks for you time!

Enjoy~ Annie <3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to the story!

Dave P.o.v

So, after we ate he got dressed for school and i went home quickly and got dressed so that i wont be late.

After 20 mins of quickly changing we were done, and John was waiting for me to pick him up in my car. They bully him in the bus. So, i always take him. I would never let him go on the bus again.

I stood outside his house, but didn't wait long. Because, the blue-eyed boy ran outside with his goofy smile across his face.

"Hey Dave!"

"Sup John." I said, while opening the door for him

John slipped off his book bag, and sat down closing the door. Then kissed Me. He put on his seatbelt. then we drove off.

The windows were down, and the wind was going through my hair, and the sunlight through my shades. As well as John but, the sun into his eyes which bothered him.

"what are we going to do when we get to school?" asked John.

"Well..... We can just not give a fuck about what they think. And just walk in there holding hands." i replied.

John smiled, which made me smile.

When we got to school we did what I said. We held hands and walked into the school building.

People were staring, but we didn't give a shit. Well I didn't give a shit... John was still sorta nervous. But, I understand why. later those assholes will come and try to make John cry.

But, I wont let that happen. I will kill a bitch!

I walked him to his locker, then kissed him goodbye to go to my locker.

"Bye Babe. i love you" i said

"i love you too babe! bye"John said

I walked to my locker. Then the bell rang. "shit"i mumbled. and ran to my locker.

I was 10 mins late to class 1. Because, i didn't get to my locker on time

and 2. Is because, this school decided to be as big as a motherfucker, and i got lost, trying to find my class.

I walked into the classroom and tried to walk past the teacher and get into my seat. But, Mr. lester stopped me.

"Where were you young Strider?" Mr.lester asked.

"uhh.... Well... I wa-" i tried to say, but someone cut me off.

"Sucking John's cock!" Some yelled in the back. And i knew who it was. so i walked up to him and said, "Hey look bro. You better watch yourself!"

"Or what. Your gonna make me gay."

"No. but ill make you gray!" And I punched him in the face, and his nose started bleeding.

"Hey! Hey! stop it you to! Strider and Jones After school detention!" Said mr.lester.

I sighed and went to my seat.

And just waited until that period was over.

John's P.o.v

School, went by okay so far. With the exception of some assholes. But, it was the usual. Only one new word. "Fag" but i don't care.

I just couldn't wait for lunch. So i can talk to Dave.

as i walked to the cafeteria, I saw a banner for Prom.

'Maybe me and Dave can go together' i thought.

I was going to ask him during lunch but when I got there something was happening.

I tried to look over the crowd. There were people fighting.

So I pushed my way though the crowd for a closer look.

It was Jean Jones and......


What the hell happened?!

Dave's P.o.v

I got my lunch, and started walking to me and Johns table. when this dick started with me.

"Hey fag! Get your ass over here"He said as his friends laughed in the background.

"Gonna suck Johns dick?" i tried to brush it off and slowly started walking again.

"Talking about john where is your faggot ass boyfriend!"

That was the last straw!

I threw my tray on the floor and speed walk towards him.

"Listen nook whiffer! you better shut the fuck up!" i said, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.

"Or what? your gonna suck my dick?" said Jean.

"No! But, i'll fuck you up!" And punched him in the eye.

"Really you fucker!?" he said very loud now, the whole school crowded over us.

Then he punched me in the face.

Then the fight actually started.

After about, 3 minutes of fighting. I looked to the side to see John staring at me.

My face was really bloody.

I stopped fighting Jean. And looked at John.

Thats when i saw a flash of light, my shades flew off and fell to the floor as well as I.

Then i heard Johns voice, "Dave!!!!"

I woke up 3 hours later and saw johns face.

"Hey Dave...." He greeted me while playing with my hair.

When I fully opened my eyes, the light of the room blinded me. so John quickly passed me my shades.

"Thanks babe." i said, as i put them back on.

"welcome hun" he replied back."Don't worry no one saw your eyes."

I sighed in relief, "Thank god!"

"But you do have a month of after school detention."

"Oh yea....? well, i guess i'll have to cut detention" i said while, sitting up and looking at him.

He laughed and smiled his cute goofy smile.

"Oh Dave.i..... um....."

"yes egbert?"

"look..." he handed me a folded paper. i opened it to see a banner for the school Prom.

"do you wanna go with me Dave?"

"of course babe!" i smiled and he smiled back then we kissed.

We snuck out of school. And of course, ditched detention. Its not like i go to that crap anyways.

We got into the car, and started driving away.

"why were you and Jean fighting?"asked John

"Its sorta a long story" i replied. "Ill tell you later.. okay?"

"Okay!" he said while smiling his goofy smile.

~~~~~~~~~the end~~~~~~~~~

to be continued!

i hope you guys think this one was better! x3 i tried really really hard! this one was also longer! am i right? i dunno xD leave comments! and ideas on how to make it better!!


love ya! bye ❤️

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