First Contact II

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"Guess this ought to wake you up!" 

Emi flicked her fingers to send the droid flying towards Yura's direction. Having just dodged the previous attack, she managed to avoid the next one just in the nick of time. Ignoring the sweat dripping from her forehead, Yura closed her eyes and held the rod tightly.

Come on now....

The droid turned around in order to attack her again. At that point, Yura started feeling some pulses from her hand resonating into the rod. Her trance would get interrupted by the droid, which shot some bullets, slightly scraping her arm.

There! I felt it... Now, to create an opening.

Yura used the surrounding chunks of virtual rock to shuffle her movements. Emi smiled as she realized what her student is trying to do. She remained standing while commanding her droid to intercept Yura.

"Oh, I see what you're doing... Excellent choice."

Suddenly, some beeps sounded which caused Emi to push a communications device attached to the back of her neck. She listened in while the message was relayed through said device.

"W-what? Be there in a moment!" shouted Emi in an urgent manner.

Emi curled her lips while watching Yura fight. What's wrong with this? It's only recently that these anomalies have showed up in the main city with malicious intent.

Due to being busy fighting, Yura did not see what Emi was doing. She was focusing on a strategy against her machine opponent. With her swift and varied movements, Yura managed to disorient the droid. The processing for the droid slowed down, and as a result, the rest of its movements slowed down drastically.

With a shout, Yura launched herself upwards, ending the sequence by dropping her leg right across the droid, bringing it to the ground. Feeling some pain in her foot, Yura started focusing on summoning her rod once again....

This time, she succeeded in channeling energy through the rod. She felt what seemed to be a ripple flow through the rod, but was unable to maintain it. The rod let out a mild jolt of energy, which blasted Yura back a short distance, causing her to drop the rod while felling flat on her back, panting.

"That would be enough for today. Let's move out!" ordered Emi, with a serious look on her face.

Yura would not budge, when Emi grabbed her arm and pulled her up. Before she can react, Emi had her up on shoulders. 

"H-hey, waaaaitt!"

Yura managed to get the rod in time before Emi carried her towards the spider-like transport.


Upon Yura's arrival, the demonic dog snarled. Yura put on a tough face while reaching out for her rod. 

"That's where your rampage ends, demon!"

Despite Yura's bold remark, she felt her hands sweat and tremble while retrieving her rod. She managed to shake off those feelings and bring the small rod out. Holding it tightly in her hand, she closed her eyes in order to focus.

Yura did not see anything, but she felt it. She felt her feelings resonate with the rod.

"Grant my wish..I call upon you, Lucent Heart!"

In an instant, the rod extended. Yura watched in awe as it grew to her height. Realizing what just happened, she put on a determined face, with her confidence suddenly growing.

The twin-headed dog charged at her. She quickly reacted to the attack and parried the initial charge with her rod. As the second head turned to try a biting attack on her, she used the rod as a stand to catapult herself, landing gracefully behind her opponent. She used this opportunity to dash forward and deliver a powerful smack across the enemy.

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