Official Mission

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"So, you can see Lyra. I expected that."

Yura looked more puzzled at Amaya's induction. "Come again?" she asked.

Amaya responded by proudly flipping her long hair. Despite being younger and a bit smaller than Yura, the mysterious student is not short on assertiveness. All the time, she seemingly emitted an imposing aura.

"I know about Arcadia's secrets. I'm no stranger to the supernatural, and I know what you guys from the Aegis do."

Yura tried to think about Amaya's words. She turned to Lyra, who was seated on her companion's shoulder. The small fairy yawned playfully and followed with small childlike laughs.

"Who's this fairy then?" asked Yura.

"Lyra is a sylph, not a 'fairy'. I order you to address her as such. As for history, I met her when I was just a little child. Since then, she's my one and only friend."

without being too conscious about it, Yura found her hand reaching out. While she won't admit it, she found this new classmate interesting. 

"I knew it. You seemed like a lonely person, but you don't have to be one anymore. I'm sure you'll end up liking some of the people here, even if they seem pretty... wild at first."

Yura smiled, thinking about the people from the Aegis, specifically Emi and Jet. 

The PA announced the arrival of the metro at that moment. The train zoomed past Amaya before slowing down and opening its automated doors. 

"I'm sorry, Yura Himeji. I'm in Arcadia in order to study and find a way to be stronger. As I am right now, I am vulnerable, so I hope to learn from the school. Lyra is the only friend I need."

As Amaya boarded the train, Lyra turned towards Yura with a sad look. Yura withdrew her hand and watched on as the train started moving towards its next station. With mixed emotions, she left the station and returned to school.

"Hi! I thought you went home already? Wanna go back together?"

Leanne ran towards Yura, stopping in front of her, looking tired.

"Whoa, calm down, Leanne. Where have you been? You look so exhausted and sweaty. Better change your clothes or something," commented Yura.

"Come on, don't you know what day it is tomorrow?"

"Um... Friday?"

"It's recruitment day for a lot of the clubs in school! You can't be that ignorant, can you?" asked Leanne.

"Erm....." Yura felt some a big sweatdrop while trying to come up with an answer. Her roommate was quick to interrupt, albeit in a playful tone.

"You know, you can't let that Aegis overshadow everything. You're still a student, you still gotta join a club, pass your exams, and all that."

Oh great, I'm getting lectured by her again.

"Speaking of, which club would you want to join? Tell me so I can come with you, alright?" beamed Leanne. She stared in anticipation, which slightly made Yura feel uncomfortable. A fast riff which marks a rock tune prompted Yura to answer her cellphone. She quickly picked up the call without looking at who's calling, and she was answered by a digitalized voice.

"Guardian ID number 24001, Yura Himeji, the Aegis of Arcadia orders an appearance ASAP. Repeat, the Aegis of Arcadia orders an appearance ASAP. Please make your way to the command room."

The caller, whatever it is, immediately hung up. Yura kept her cellphone and turned to Leanne.

"I'm really sorry, but I had some important business to attend to. See you at the dorm tonight!"

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