Next time

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This story was inspired by this:

And the amazing person who made it: 13thcatofthegate

I loved the pure emotion in the comic, but not really gonna be the same comic... (o////o) BTW UF!Sans x US!Pap


Red bolted awake, he had fallen asleep in Blues bed. Blue, like many times, had picked the weirdest times to go on a long sleep over with his friend, Alphys. It was strange, he would excitingly exclaim that he would go to Alphys every time the weather would have shut people in for days, leaving Red and Blues brother to fend for themselves. Red didn't mind those times, he would mostly hide in Blues room until he would get hungry, then go downstairs and munch on some leftovers, thankful that his Bosses copy was never there, but somewhat sad, for the loss of contact. Like a dream, the Door that lead to that room, the room "Pappy" sleeps, always swung open whenever Red hesitated to knock on it, to ask if he wanted to spend time. Paps would always welcome Red, with the same kindness he saw as Paps talked to Blue, but with no touch, like he understood Red, and Red welcomed him, gratefully.

This time though, Red did not seem to like, unlike many storms, consisting of snow, snow, and more snow, the storms that came rarely in the frozen land was the ones Red dreaded the most. The rain Red can handle, they were just like wetter snowfall, it was the thunder and lightning that scared the pants off him. Red whimpered as another flash of lightning hit the sky, this had been going on for 2 days. A rumble made Red leap to his feet, his shaking hands reaching for the door, he had been though the routine many times. He slowly inched down the stairs, bones rattling slightly. Out of all the things he was brave enough to test with this Pap, to insure that this Pap wasn't Boss, waking him up he did not dare to do. He remembered pain from the first time he had accidentally woken Boss up, but nothing about what had happened, but not remembering scared him the most. So he crawled downstairs to find his special covered in witch he would reside every night until the storm passed, hiding his whimpered cries with his hands, hoping Pap didn't come downstairs.

"SANS!" Papyrus awoke with a loud thud, having fallen off his mattress, chest heaving from the desperate scuffle he had with his non existent enemy. Throat parched from the energy it took to fight off his demon, he shakily stood up to find some water. He had always slept uneasy while his brother was gone, he had thanked every time, it seemed, that he opened the door to his room, Red would be on the other side. He slowly cracked open the door hopeful, sadly, Red was not on the other side this time. 'Of course! It must be three in the morning' he thought as he casually walked downstairs into the kitchen, only to down his freshly poured glass seconds later of filling it, and having another urge crawl though him. Over the past two months of Red living here, Papyrus had started to smoke less and less, he found, whenever he had the urge, Red would be there to calm his nerves. Red however, was fast asleep at this hour and his nerves were killing him. Papyrus shuffled though his hoodie pockets to find a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, flicking the light on the cigarette he placed into his mouth, he turned to head back upstairs. A flash of light caught his attention, and a whimper stopped him dead in his tracks. Papyrus turned to find where the sound had come from, thankfully a boom of thunder pinpointed where the noise was coming from as a yelp followed thunder. Pappy walked slowly toward the cupboard as he had no idea what to suspect, an image of the demon from his nightmare flashed in his mind as he slowly creaked open the door, only to reveal a half startled Red, shaking in the corner of the cupboard. Red was now glancing up to notice Pap staring at him, Papyrus took notice of Reds cheekbones dusted red and tears threatening to spill from the smaller skeletons eye sockets. The sight of Red was cut short as the small monster had caught notice of Paps magic eye flaring, sniffling and shaking harder than he already was, he spoke "I-I am s-sorry f-f-for-r wa-aking you-u u-u-up B-oss." Papyrus immediately corrected his mistake and withdrew his defensive magic. "shhh Red it's me Papyrus, I not gonna hurt you" he cooed as Red looked back up at him. "Pap?" the small skeleton spoke, the sudden fear lifting into confusion, "what are you doing up so late?" Papyrus slightly chuckled at the response "what are you doing in a cupboard Red?" he spoke, voice laced with worry. "Nothing!" Red yelled "I was just looking for something I dropped" he ended in a whisper, cheekbones puffing out as he turned his head slightly in embarrassment. "Really" Papyrus laughed "you sure it wasn't your fear of thunder?" he questioned. "No!" Red shot up, bonking his head in the process "I told you I-" Red cut off as another flash of lightning came into his view this time a loud crack came with it. Red suddenly leaped into Paps arms as fear overtook his actions, slightly shocking Papyrus. This was the first time Red had willingly touched Papyrus after arriving, and he had basically leaped into the taller skeletons arms. Papyrus sighed as he wrapped the shaking skeleton into his arms. "sorry" Red whispered as he wrapped his arms tighter around the taller monster, Pap respond with a light kiss to his skull. A rumble of thunder made the smaller skeleton yelp and burrow deeper into the taller ones embrace. "Don't worry, I'm here" Papyrus cooed as he rubbed the smaller skeletons back. Red slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep only slightly catching the words Papyrus whispered "Next time Blue leaves, your sleeping with me" The two of them drifting off to sleep.

YAY! finally more then 1,000 words! couldn't change the ending XD to purfect.....


Blue walked into the house quietly, hoping to surprise his brother with breakfast tacos as an apology for coming home a day late. Creeping into the kitchen he noticed the two skeletons huddled on the floor. "Neyh heh heh, my match making plan has finally worked" he for once whispered as he crept back out of the kitchen, careful not to disturb the two on the floor.

Finally fluff XD

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