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Oh yeah suckas @LadyCaesar

Julia was walking into Gravity Falls, tugging her suitcase behind her. She looked up at the town...

In time to see see a shack up in the forest blow up. "OMG!" She yelled, setting down her case and running.
By the time she got there, two old men where already running around, frantically trying to put out the flames. "GOSH DARN IT STANFORD!" one of them yelled. The other opened his mouth to reply, but stopped, catching sight of her.
"Ford!!! What're you doing!!! Stop staring at someone who will never go out with you and help clean up this mess!!!!" But he stood there, in front of the flames that now had caught to his brother's sleeve, and stared. In awe.
"omg... you look like a female Fiddleford! Will you marry me?"



AhAsJsisjdksj HELLTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang