Chapter 3

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(Dame the last one had a lot of spelling errors I'm sorry)

"Shhhhhhh see I i'm not going to hurt you your fine " papyrus said as he looked back and forth seeing if he could see anything to make this sans happy.

Papyrus finally looked back at red to see him already fast asleep 'are you kidding me well all sans are alike somehow' Papyrus thought to himself.

"PAPY DINER" yelled blue from across the house.

... Papyrus didn't answer...

"Pap are you kidding right now" sans said as he walked out of the kitchen to see papyrus cradling red.

"I will be there in a minute" wisped papyrus not wanting to give up this moment.

Meanwhile in underfell

"Alphas if you don't fucking fix this your as good as dust" yelled a frustrated papyrus.

" What are you talking about that brat is  dust, plus should you be happy he's gone" Alphas surged as she picked up the screwdriver

"ALPHAS" Papyrus yelled

"Ok ok I will see what I can do" Alphas said then thought  'fucking Idiot you can't rase the dead fuck you'

"Fine I'm returning to my station when I come back u better had fucking fix this" papyrus said as he left, not returning to work if that's what you think no he when home and took a nap hopping this was a bad dream.

Underswap  (yay)

"Your cooking is getting better" papyrus said as he finished his dinner

"You think so!!!!" sans said with a giant smile across his face

"Yeah, your sansacing at cooking" papyrus said craking a smile

"Your puns get worse and worse every day" sans said "but anyway I got to go and HUNT FOR HUMANS, you hold down the fort"

"aye captain " papyrus said as he solute sans

"I give up and also no smoking it's bad for you, and I don't want to come home to a burned down house" sans said as he taping his foot on the ground

"Fine see you when you come home" papyrus said as he watch his brother leave

"B b boss" red said quietly as he stode in the doorway

"Come here" papyrus said as he waved red over, red followed the commanded given to him, he was now standing in front of papyrus 

"how are you feeling red" papyrus said as he put his hand on reds forehead

This was a odd question why would you care about someone else feelings, red stayed there for a minute and though to himself  'if I say I'm fine that would not be true, but if I say something wrong then there is going to be flow up questions o god"

This was the answer papyrus needed he could read red like a book and if blue have tough him anything silence means he's having a bad time (lol bad time) 

"ok I get it" papyrus said as he picked up red "you hungry?"

"No I im f fi ne b boss" sans studded as he tried to get out of papyrus grip 'Fuck why is boss acting like this, did I do something wrong?'

"Ok well then if your not hungry let's just watch some t.v and chill" papyrus said calmly

Papyrus walked out of the kitchen to lay on the sofa still holding red he flipped through the channels in till he found something decent to watch it turn out to be animal rescue show, papyrus really did not care he new he was going to fall asleep anyways, which that's what him and red did they fell asleep on the sofa.

Authors note :D

Well sorry for this being so short and taking so long to write but writers block and yeah I don't know where I'm taking this to there's 1 of 3 ways this story will go but I don't know which way I will take.
Anyway I will also be fixing some gramer error in the last chapters so that will be fun.

Next chapter will come out soon but I can't say when.

Anyway I hope you liked ♡

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