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        Many weeks ago, he couldn't say it, those three words. He wasn't sure whether it was the boyish pride holding him back or anything. He could say it now.

       "I love you," he whispered. "So wake up."


       No answer.

       A silent tear rolled down his cheek and dripped on the palm of his hand. 

       "Hey, Junkai." a girly, feminine voice called from a distance. Junkai shifted his body to face the sound (with much effort). 

       A sweep of black hair slapped him in the face. He held down the pain and forced his lips into a smile. 

      "Xiao Kai," he corrected, barely moving his lips. The black haired girl shook her head and smiled. Internally, Junkai groaned. He'll have to correct her again next time. 

       Sighing, Junkai droned, "Hi, Emily." In a robotic movement, he elevated his hand approximately two feet and waved it.

       The smile he had on was so fake, if he had shown it to someone like Roy or Jackson, they would've flipped their heads back and laughed. The corners of his mouth were tipped at the side abnormally high while his eyes showed no humor whatsoever. It was already a miracle Emily didn't notice. 

       "I haven't seen you for so long! I miss you so much!" she jabbered. She spread her arms and attacked him with a hug. He awkwardly pushed her away. The so-called,  long,  was one day. 

       At first her smile seemed to dim for a second, but not long after that blinding light reappeared again. Just at this time, Jackson and Roy appeared at the door. Emily had started talking again, and she kept on talking on and on and on. . . Junkai had spaced out immediately, knowing of the dangers ahead. 

      Help, Junkai mouthed. Roy scratched his head and stared at Junkai. 

       "Help!" he whisper screamed. Emily stopped. Then continued, pretending nothing happened.  

       Meanwhile, Roy still squinted at Junkai in confusion. Junkai slammed his hand to his forehead. At last, Roy snapped his fingers in realization. It was about time. Roy started to walk towards them, motioning Jackson to follow.  

       Roy reached the blubbering girl and tapped her on the shoulder with a smirk. Suddenly, Junkai felt uneasy. . . 

        Emily turned. To Junkai's horror, Roy wiggled his eyebrows. Roy, you stupid weirdo, Junkai thought.


       Before he knew it, the classroom  was dead quiet. Emily was breathing hard. Roy held his cheek in disdain. Junkai covered his eyes in frustration.

       It all exploded. "Why'd you do dat?" Roy complained with a pout.

       "You deserved it!" she shot back. Before anyone could react, she covered her eyes and escaped the room. Roy's face scrunched up. He didn't understand what he'd done wrong. 

       Roy looked away and saw a nearby bystander staring at him. "What are you looking at?" he hollered. 

       Before the kid could react, Roy stole his chips. The kid yelped in protest. But Roy gave no mercy, grabbing handfuls of the potato chips and swallowing them whole. In two minutes, three fourths of the chips have already mysteriously disappeared without a trace. 

       Junkai looked at the door in which Emily had ran through, and then at the ground. He felt guilty somehow; ashamed. 

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