Chapter 7: Physical Therapy

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The hospital room became Willow's new world as she slowly emerged from the haze of her surgery. Her foster family and Alex took turns sitting by her bedside, offering words of encouragement and love. But as the days passed, the reality of her situation began to sink in. Willow had to relearn how to walk.

The injury from the bullet had been severe, causing damage to her spinal cord. It left her legs temporarily paralyzed. The news was a devastating blow, but Willow was determined not to let it break her spirit.

Physical therapy became her daily routine. Willow worked tirelessly with her therapists, pushing herself to regain strength and mobility. It was a grueling and painful process, but she was fueled by her determination to walk again.

At first, even the simplest movements felt like monumental achievements. Willow would grit her teeth and focus all her energy on lifting one leg, then the other. She would will her muscles to respond, to remember what they had once done effortlessly.

Alex, who was by her side throughout, became her biggest cheerleader. He would sit with her during therapy sessions, cracking jokes to make her smile and offering a steady hand to hold when frustration threatened to overwhelm her.

The Thompson family was a pillar of support. They helped modify their home to accommodate Willow's needs, installing ramps and handrails. They never once treated her as a burden, only as a beloved family member who needed their help.

As weeks turned into months, Willow made slow but steady progress. Each step forward was a victory, no matter how small. She learned to adapt to her new reality, finding strength in her foster family's unwavering love and Alex's friendship.

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