Chapter 3: A Birthday to Remember

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As the weeks turned into months, Willow settled into her new life with her foster family. She had come to appreciate the warmth and support they provided. One thing that stood out about this family was their ability to make her feel like she truly belonged.

Willow's fifteenth birthday was approaching, and she had kept it a secret. In her past experiences, birthdays had come and gone without any celebration or acknowledgment. However, little did she know that this foster family was different.

Jessica, the sassy older sister, had a knack for picking up on subtle cues. She noticed Willow's hesitation when the topic of birthdays came up in conversation, and she decided to take matters into her own hands. She enlisted the help of Ethan and Alex to plan a surprise party.

On the day of Willow's birthday, Jessica and Ethan had an excuse ready to get her out of the house for a few hours, while Alex helped decorate the living room with colorful streamers and balloons. They even baked a cake together, their first attempt at such a task.

When Willow returned home, she was greeted by a joyful chorus of "Happy Birthday!" The living room was adorned with decorations, and a homemade cake sat proudly on the table. Tears welled up in Willow's eyes as she realized what her foster family had done for her.

Jessica, with a mischievous grin, said, "We couldn't let your birthday go unnoticed, Willow. Welcome to the Thompson family tradition of epic birthday surprises."

Willow felt overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness. It was a birthday to remember, not just because of the decorations or the cake, but because it was a celebration of the love and acceptance she had found with her new family. In that moment, she realized that she had indeed found a place where she truly belonged.

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