Chapter 3

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Grace's POV

I woke up and thought all of it was a dream until I noticed I was in a crib. I didn't wanna make it hard on myself or harry but I really had to go pee and couldn't get out of the crib. I started crying for harry.

Harry POV

I was sleeping until I heard a loud crying sound coming from downstairs. I slowly made my way to the living room and heard the noise coming from grace's room. Instantly I ran into her room I saw her tears running down her cheeks. I picked her up checking that her nappy was still dry. So I sat her down in the playpen, while I went to make a bottle and food for her. When I finished her food I picked her up out of the playpen and placed her into the highchair. I held up a spoon of oatmeal and to my surprise she ate it without fussing. While I fed her I was thinking about having her meet the boys later on tonight and have a movie night. Also, I noticed she doesn't act crazy over seeing me so I think I should tell her I'm in the biggest boyband called one direction. But not until she meets the boys. I was feeding her a bottle before I heard her crying and trying to get out of my tight grip. But I immediately knew she wet her nappy,

Grace's POV

I can't believe I just wet a nappy! I'm a teenager for Christ sake I'm not a damn baby. I started crying and struggled to get outbid Harry's grip but I couldn't. "Gracie love I know you wet your nappy no need to be ashamed" harry spoke. I just kept crying and harry started carrying me into the nursery and put me on the changing table before changing me into a clean nappy. He told me its okay all babies wet themselves they have no control. But I yelled at him " NO HARRY IT'S NOT OKAY IM A TEENAGER NOT A BABY!" He told me I had timeout for 10 minutes and that I was to call him daddy not harry. After 10 minutes in timeout I apologized to "daddy" for yelling and he said its okay and it's over and done with it.

Harry's POV

I called the boys up asking if they wanted to sleep over and introduce themselves, they all agreed and were coming over in an hour. So I decided to tell grace about my friends coming over she started crying. I asked why she was upset, she told me she didn't want them to see her in a diaper and onsie but I told her they already know that your my baby. She reacted by snuggling into my chest and crying, I promised her that she can pick out a movie for tonight and she cheered up a bit. But still kept crying, I carried her to the couch and turned on the tv to spongebob and watched her face light up. She noticed something was missing and started to cry again I grabbed a dummy think it was that but started to cry more so I asked what's wrong? She explained she had a teddy bear she has and wants. I ran to my room carrying her with me and went to her suitcase opening it up I found a little bear she stopped crying and made grabby hands at it so I handed it to her. We were I the living room when I noticed the crying had worned her out so I layed her on the couch and heard the doorbell ring. I answered the door and was met with my mates I shushed them so they wouldn't wake my baby. We went into the living room and the boys sat on the opposite couches and looked at grace he was sleeping. Liam asked what are we gonna do while she's sleeping? Zayn replied "We can go out in the backyard and play truth or dare?" We all nodded. I grabbed the baby moniter out of the bag I forgot to unpack and placed one on the table next to grace and other with me. On the about 26 dare, niall dared Louis to go jump into the pool and soon as Louis jumped in I heard crying on the baby moniter. The boys asked if they could help with the baby and I said yeah. We all walked into the living room and Louis picked up grace she started screaming, crying, and wiggling trying to get out of his grip. I spoke up and said baby it's okay. She instantly turned her head toward my voice making grabby sounds while whimpering. I took her from Louis and explained who I was and that I'm in the biggest boyband. The boys took turns saying who they were, what they like, and more. She was shocked at first but then asked if they were her other daddies or uncles. I told her they where her other daddies and said u all can't be my daddies. I said u can name them whatever u like. She pointed to me saying daddy, then Liam saying papa, then niall saying baba, then zayn saying dada and then Louis saying boo bear (couldn't think* of anything else). We all cooed at her cuteness.

Sry but I'm a bit tired from doing homework gymnastics and all so Ill try to finish this tomorrow. Love u guys! Like vote comment fav!

Thank bunches!

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