Chapter 13

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Louis POV

I woke up finding that the bus is still on the road. Slowly getting out of bed to not wake anybody. I took a fast shower changing into a fresh pair of clothes. Walking to the kitchen I decided we only fast food to make breakfast. As I was making the scrambled eggs grace came in like a zombie slowly walking/crawling to me with her blanket and dummy. I laughed a little surprised grace woke up this early. I finished the eggs placing a load of food on the table asking grace if she was wet she nodded still trying to fully wake up. I changed her into a new nappy making the bottle before grabbing a plate for me and grace to eat. Feeding grace first she slowly ate her food finished; she to reach the milk I placed on the other side of the table. I reached over getting the bottle handing it to her then eating my own plate. Grabbing both plates once I finished mine putting them into the sink. Turning around I asked grace if she wanted to get daddies while I set the table. She nodded before running out of the room.

Grace's POV

I ran into the big bed room going onto the bed and jumping on sleeping daddies. Giggling when they all said something about to tired to wake up. I ran back into the kitchen grabbing once piece if bacon and can of whip cream running back in the bedroom. Daddies were still asleep so I spilt the bacon into 4 parts placing it under all their noses while placing whip cream in their hands knowing their rub their eyes when they wake up. Taking a picture with my iPhone that was on the nightstand I screamed loud. Walking out of the room laughing daddy Lou was looking at me. You could hear yelling in the room when daddies walked out of the room daddy Lou was clutching his chest laughing on the floor. They all had bacon in their hands before putting the pieces into their mouths and running after me. I ran into the bathroom locking the door laughing at their attempt to get me. I pulled out my iPhone I had thanking myself for bringing it with me. Daddies said "your going to have to come out sooner or later." I played on my iPhone before getting a little tired knowing I woke up to early for my liking. Rummaging through the cabinets I found a couple of blankets. I two down in the tub and placed one over me before falling asleep. When I woke up I noticed I wasn't in the tub anymore but it was in a bed. Daddies all looked at me asking why I was sleeping in the tub; I told them how I got tired and they told me how they got scared something happened to me. They started tickling me right after for putting whip cream in their hands. Then they said they didn't have anything for 2 days so we could do anything we wanted. But they decided I get to meet some people that I will be seeing often I jut said otay. Daddy Lou changed me into new clothes and changed my nappy. Grabbing my iPad daddy Lou looked around till he found my backpack placing teddy and things in it. He was about to place blankey ad dummy in the bag when I pulled on his shirt shaking my head. He got the hint giving me the blanket with the dummy. Picking me up carrying me with the backpack daddies all walked off the bus that was stopped. Papa texted somebody and we walked to Starbucks with their hoodies and sunglasses on. Once we arrived at Starbucks daddy tried to put on an American accents which he failed miserably at causing me to giggle. We walked to a table already occupying people. Handing the coffees to everyone even I got one which confused me but I still took it. I noticed a familiar person at the table I haven't seen him since elementary school. Sitting down the boys introduced me to all the guys that play a instrument in the band. As they looked at me they greeted me, josh looked at me before saying something I wished he didn't. "Do I know you because you look familiar?" asked josh. Everybody looked at me confused. I nodded looking down Josh then said "I remember you! Me and you use to be best friends at school before I moved away." I turned away hiding my face into daddy Lou coat. Josh asked "what happened to you? We used to be best friends and you stopped texting me months after I moved." I looked up at Josh the one that never had tattoos the one that was always by my side and the big brother I never had. Now he has tattoos and looks like an older teenager. I reached out for Josh he hesitantly picked me up from daddy lou's grip and placed me on his lap. I quietly told him about how my parents died and everything crying in his lap. He soothly comforted me like he use to do making me stop crying. We talked about how I loved skateboarding, video games, and always hung out with josh when we were younger. I looked at daddies asking if I can call their friends uncle and josh joshy. Knowing josh always hated that name giggling when I heard josh grunt. They nodded their heads teasing me on being the baby. Daddies decided we all could go for a walk to the park with josh still carrying me.

Cliffhanger! Josh and grace knew each other before he left because he had to move and before graces parents died. Some news for you guys. Sam and stuff are now uncles. Vote, comment, fav, and follow. Thank you and love you guys!

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