I'm extremely sorry guys.

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My sister, dad, and I were in a car accident few weeks ago. My sister's car is totaled and I haven't had the energy to work on some more on the new chapter. My dad couldn't walk when he tried to get out of the car. So he has been on bed rest since then and he can't work or do much. My sister might be going in for surgery cause her legs are inflammed and for me, my back hurts, I can't stand for as long as I use to and my legs hurt here and there from walking just to my classes. I didn't wanna disappoint you guys but I also can't stress this enough and I dont want you guys to worry. We are still recovering and I hope I really hope I can bring up a new chapter within less than a month. I can't promise a chapter right away with everything.... And more big news... My mom's pregenant. But please keep sending me ideas and messages. I'll try to get back asap. Im super sorry guys - Kayla <3

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