Chapter 2:Cross Word Puzzles

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"Ummm, Sumo, your kind of in my personal space." Jeff barely whispered. He didn't care that Sumo was this close to him its just that other people would find it weird. Sumo leaned of Jeff giving him a few inches away from the boy. "Sorry." Sumo said backing up some more.

"Its okay..." Jeff mumbled.

"Hey guys, watcha doing?" Clarence asked hopping over to the boys." made me and Belson get out of our group. She said we were arguing to much and that I can join you guys!" Sumo and Jeff gave each other looks of disappointment,"Sure." they both answered.

Clarence sat in between the two not noticing their looks of displeasure. "We're trying to figure finish this crossword together." Jeff said. He had never known Sumo to be the type to do the things he liked too. Clarence giggled,"Maybe we should go draw on the board!" he laughed.

"I'm not doing that, its against rules and I'm risking my buddy stars by doing it. So my answer is No." Jeff looked at him then back at the crossword puzzle. Sumo felt himself become excited. "Yeah,yeah,yeah! Lets do it." Sumo was hopping in his seat. Jeff couldn't believe what he was hearing, he pulled his head up staring at the two boys beside him.

"We can do it when she's not looking and-" Sumo didnt finish his sentence. He was caught in Jeffs stare. It felt weird he never meant to make Jeff get into one of tantrum moments , it didn't happen but he could feel it coming. Clarence didnt give Jeff one look as his attention was solely on Sumo. "Yeah! We could get her distwacted!"

"That's right. But maybe we should lay off the pranks for awhile you know?" Sumo slowly disconnected his eyes from Jeffs connecting them with Clarence's.

Clarence was confused, Sumo always loved doing these like this he's Sumo for crying out loud! He looked over to the other table where Belson sat. The boy was alone drawing on a sheet of paper. The rest of his clique was in there own group leaving him out. Clarence couldn't leave him alone by himself somebody needs somebody.

Jeff smiled over at Sumo as if saying thank you. He didn't want Sumo to get in trouble again or Clarence. It would result on them being put in different groups and Jeff might be left by himself. His eyes went to the direction where Belson sat then looked to Clarence. "I think you should go over there buddy."

Clarence nodded, he got up and walked to a very lonely Belson. Sumo moved back to where he was next to Jeff. "You missed one word."

Jeff didnt understand but it clicked in his head that he was talking about the crossword puzzle."Where?" he searched the paper not seeing anything. Sumo moved his hand over Jeff's guiding it to the unfinished box. The square head blushed deep red,'Sumo do you know what you do?' he thought to himself.




"" Jeff moved his hand to his lap quickly. "I was just lost in a day dream. Hmmm do you know the word?" Sumo nodded, Jeff stared at the paper then shook his head. "It doesn't matter. We don't have to turn it in, we can just leave it blank."

Sumo grabbed Jeffs hand again putting it with his, they took the pencil in their hands. Sumo being the leader wrote the words into the block."I know how you get when you don't finish something."

"I-I...ummm...y-you..." Jeff stuttered nervously. Sumo chuckled and Jeff blushed harder. "Thank you." Jeff said finally creating words. Sumo nodded taking the thanks, then removed his hands.

"Soooo, you want to get a new one?" Sumo nodded, getting out of the plastic chair to get another one. Jeff looked down at the puzzle to see what the missing word was, he couldn't hold back his blush. The word is LOVE. 'Its just a coincidence.' Jeff thinks to himself.

Sumo walked back paper-less. "Sorry but they took all the crosswords. You wanna do something else?" he asked sitting with a blushing blockhead. "You know I like the color red on you." Sumo said poking at the youngers cheeks. Jeff swatted his hands away.

"S-stop, what's with you poking people?"

"What's with you blushing?"

Jeff didnt have a comeback for that so instead he turned his back to his friend. "Jeff you better not be pouting." Jeff 'hmmped' at that then turned a little so he could see Sumo,"And what if I am?" Jeff asked pouting. Sumo laughed at his friend being childish in truth Jeff was the most childish of them all.

"I'll try to have a other sleepover with you." Sumo cooed to the other. Jeff seemed to perk up at the thought of having Sumo at his house again. He turned fully to his friend then nodded excitedly.

"You promise?" Jeffs hopes and dreams were on the line. Sumo nodded at his excited friend. He put his hand over his heart and swore to his friend to have a other sleep over. Jeff could feel his heart jumping with happiness, he blushed a deeper color of red making Sumo laugh.

"See, you're turning red again." Sumo started to poke at Jeff again."I'm really liking this color on you, Jeff. You're a natural blushed." Jeff couldn't help the smile that came from him. Sumos small flirts always got him wrapped in the olders finger.'Wait a second, flirts?' Jeffs mind went haywire.'Is he flirting? What am I thinking about? We're just kids.'

"Okay class, please cleanup your groups. You all will get buddy stars, please make sure you clean!" the teacher said going around the class. The kids seemed happy to get buddy stars and went to cleaning. Jeff and Sumo sat in their chairs,all they had to do was remove the paper from their desk.

Jeff sat watching Belson and Clarence talk to each other in a friendly way. He was pretty shocked to see Belson the rich bully get along with Clarence the nice funny kid. Then he looked to the girls in the class who were trapped in gossip news. Next he looked to the boys who were making more of a mess from trying to clean.

The bell rung signaling the end of class plus school. Sumo and Jeff went their separate ways in the halls to their buses."See you later." Sumo said walking off not turning his back to the other. Jeff watched as Sumo left then left himself.

"I can't wait till the sleepover." he said happily.

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