Chapter 5: High School Part 2

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"Pssh, Sumo, look at the whales!" Clarence whispered to his friend on his side. They followed behind the couple in front of them who just happened to be Jeff and Belson. Sumo and Clarence followed through with their plan to ruin their boyfriends day. Hence why, Jeff was mumbling curse words with Belson both seemed very disappointed with their day as the the two disguised teens (Sumo and Clarence) laughed behind them.

At first when they figured out where the two were going it had hit Clarence hard. It was like the moment he and Belson actually started talking at the zoo, but he and Jeff were at the Aquarium. Sumo had to pull the emotionally wrecked boy into the bathroom to give him a pep talk. After a few minutes of talk they walked back out to find their boyfriends staring at a giant shark. The lighting in the place was very dark, the only real light was from the fish tanks.

"We used to go see the dolphins together..." Clarence said sadly.

Sumo shook his head,"Don't think like that! Man, you're stronger than this. We're going to get pay back." Clarence nodded, let the war commence. They had rigged some fish food with powdered brown and yellow food color making the tank turn brown as the boys fed them.

Jeff was astonished when he saw the dye working, his face was priceless! Belson on the other hand pretended he didn't put anything into the tank blaming it on the other couple. He grabbed Jeff away from the tank so he wouldn't be blamed. Later while Clarence distracted the tour guide with questions while Sumo let out an baby alligator making the whole crowds of people scream and run in terror.

Next, Clarence had started a riot by complaining of the service and got the whole place angry over the tour guide and the service.

Now, they were following Jeff and Belson around the place. The two were just looking and talking about fish not doing anything that would make it seem like they were a couple. Sumo and Clarence watched talking bout ways to destroy the day they were so busy planning that they lost sight of their boyfriends. Sumo looked around with Clarence wondering where the two went.

"You guys have some explaining to do." both ruffians turned around to be face to face with Belson and Jeff. They looked like dears in headlights, Jeff tapped his foot waiting on an answer from Sumo and Belson gave Clarence the evil eye. Sumo and Clarence gazed to each other then stood tall.

"We should be asking you guys that." They said. Both Jeff and Belson turned to another in confusion then back to the ruffians. Sumo was fed up with this, why couldn't Jeff just come out and say he didn't want him?

The tan teen grabbed the blockhead by surprise dragging him away from the other couple. "Sumo!" he exclaimed. The tan teens gripped harder on the pale boys wrist making it bruise a little. "Your hurting me!" Sumo let go of him when they made it to a clear dark room of the aquarium.

"Why are you hanging with Belson?" Sumo snapped staring at the blockhead. "Well?!" he was mad. Jeff backed up a little scared but stopped when he realized what was happening. Sumo was jealous!

A smirk appeared on the blockheads face, he moved closer to the tall tan teen walking his two fingers across his chest. Sumo narrrowed his eyes watching the nerd carefully not knowing what Jeff was planning. "Is it wrong that I hang with Belson?"

"Hell Yes!" Sumo fumed. Jeff chuckled light then moved closer to where their bodies were touching. He was two inches away from the tan boys lips.

"I'm sorry." Jeff inched closer, "Can I make it up to you?" his lips brushed over Sumos. On instinct, Sumo wrapped his arms around the blockheads hips. Sumo leaned in wanting to get an actual kiss but two fingers stopped him. "I'm not that kind if guy, Sumo." Jeff pulled out of Sumos grip then walked away.

Sumo went into confusion,"What the hell just happened." he ,after a few minutes of thinking, left out the dark area looking for Clarence. He saw the boy waving goodbye to Belson and Jeff. He quickly sped over to the blonde. "Yo, man, what was this all about."

Clarence gave a huge laugh,"Extra credit." he lagged harder holding his knees. Sumo was even more confused.

"Explain." he could wrap his finger around this.

"They were going to fail! Did you know P.E is a CREDIT?! They had to do some stuff for extra credit and didnt want us to figure it out! Ha! Who knew?!" Suddenly they both were on the ground laughing like idiots.

Sumo wiped his eyes."Well, since that's figured out, wanna hang?" Sumo asked laughing a bit.

Clarence shook his head,"Naw, me and Belson got plans to hang at his placeto ya know have some fun..."

Sumo shook his shoulder playfully,"Oooh, my little boys getting some!" he played Clarence blushed at his friend, he was pretty sure everyone at the aquarium heard him say that.

"Don't say that out loud!"

"Come on man, lets leave this place." Sumo stood ready to leave, he turned to see a cop face to face with him. "Hi officer." he said trying to play it cool.

The skinny cop looked him up and down. "Son we have people saying that you and your friend are causing trouble o'er here on the premises." he took a look to Clarence who actually was pretty calm.

"Look, you've got us mistaken, you know how many kids come here? I mean how do you feel about calling out an innocent kid? Man, you know what we were gonna leave anyway. Its just too shady at this place. First the service, now we're being called out on an assumption? Dint even bother." Sumo states acting like a pro.

The cop must have felt guilty cause he had let the two go. Sumo and Clarence held back their giggles when leaving out the aquarium. "Aw man did you see his face?" Clarence asked giggling.

Sumo nodded,"Yeah, he was like; Oh no these poor kids!" Sumo and Clarence laughed. "One day though we really gonna get arrested."

"Dont worry as long as we got each others back, we good." Clarence states fist bumping Sumo. They walked to their car. "Best day EVER!"

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