Chapter 4:High School

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"I swear to the man himself that if I get another take me back message from this girl I'm throwing my phone away and getting a new number." Sumo said getting annoyed with this girl. He was sitting in his room and them BLAM text from text comes by from this girl he was with like for a month or something? She was begging to have him back but he didn't play second fiddle. He's Sumo, the gang leader and potential threat.

He heard his phone beep again, then again, then again. Sumo threw his phone,"I said I'll do it and I did." he heard the beep once more. He sat up on the bed looking around the room. "Where did you go?" he found his phone on the floor underneath some clothes. Curiosity about what was on the text got him. He saw the begging and teasing. He laughed, he wasn't going to accept her again. But it was funny to see her beg.

"Sumo! Mom says get off your phone and get ready for school!" His little brother yelled at him from the kitchen. How he knew it was from the kitchen? Easy, he could hear his loudmouth brothers chewing. He looked to his phone. 9:15 a.m. "Hurry up!" Sumo didnt want to hear his mothers ranting so he just got ready without so much of a mumble.

Sumo rode the bus as usual but since it was morning he decided to go to sleep instead of his playing. "Umm, excuse me, sorry! Oops, my bad! Sorry!" Sumo raised his head to see his old blockhead friend bumping into people and looking for a seat. Sumo groaned and moved out of his seat so Jeff can move in.

The blockhead boy saw him then made his way to the older boy. He sat in the inside of the school bus seat. Jeff didnt like sitting on the outside part he always got bumped or hit by accident. "Thanks." he said. Sumo grunted and laid his head back down on the seat.

After years of being best friends, they don't talk as much as they used to. Jeff never knew what to say, so nothing was said. To be honest Jeff wasn't sure of he should hang out Sumo. Sumo was a bully sometimes then a caring friend on the other, most kids called him cool or down to earth. Jeff didnt know what to call him.

"Sumo, wake up." Jeff shook him slightly. Sumo raised his head groaning then saw he was at the school and gave a growl. They walked off the bus kids meeting with their friends, Jeff walked beside Sumo the whole time to class. Jeff had fixed his glasses to see better noticing the tattoo on Sumos neck.

"Sumo, what's that on your neck?" he asked, Sumo on reflex covered it with his hand and narrowed his eyes at the blockheaded boy.

"Damn, Jeff, stop being so nosey." he snapped and walked up into the classroom. Class was boring as hell. Like usual. He played around a bit cracking jokes with Clarence every time the teacher said something that sounded copied notes like he always did. "Always a goody-goody." Sumo mumbled making sure Jeff was able to hear him. He sat only two seats from his side.

"Such a baddy-baddy." Jeff mumbled back making Sumo smirk.

"You know you love it, baby." Sumo purred making the two girls two his side melt instead of Jeff who kept working.

"You know you want this, baby." Jeff mumbled. The girls in between the two were holding back screams from the hot-ness of the situation. They never knew Jeff to be so flirtatious with Sumo. "But you know you can't have it." he mumbled again. The girls blushed deeply waiting for Sumos reply but it never came.

They turned to look at Sumo who was acting as if he was paying attention to the teacher. The girls looked to one another the shrugged, guess the conversation was over. The class ended with Clarence and Sumo getting a detention slip for playing around in class. Sumo walked to P.E splitting ways with Jeff who never took P.E ever again, the boy did love to jog but it he didn't like being in a class full of sweaty students.

P.E was Sumo and Clarence's favorite period of the day. It was play,play,and play. It helped Sumos overactive side get tired and run out of energy. He and Clarence were like brothers now. When his gang almost got arrested Clarence help him get out of his situation without his parents knowing. Every period they share was playtime, it was fun being with his bro.

He has Clarence back through thick and thin nobody can come between their bond, maybe Jeff, but no one else. Speaking of Jeff, he was a crush and a potential boyfriend. He and Jeff have a strange relationship, he confessed to the boy but the blockhead didnt accept them. Jeff teased him now and then like in the classroom.

The whistle blew alerting the teens it was time to walked off with Clarence in the halls talking about ditching school to go hang. They laughed but stop when they saw Belson talking to Jeff in the corner of the hall. Both looked at one another then hid in a closet to listen closer.

"They won't know. It'll be our little secret."

"I don't know about this."

"Come on they'd never figure out about us."

Clarence and Sumo both shook in rage, and that meant something. Clarence was one who never got angry but when he did it was hell. Sumo was going to exit the closet but Clarence held him back.

"I promise you they won't. Call me later kay, I've gotta go to class." Belson said waving goodbye. Jeff went in the opposite direction right near the closet the two boys were in. Clarence pulled Sumo back making sure to cover his mouth as the blockhead boy passed.

The coast was clear as he uncovered his mouth, Clarence may have been pissed but he kept his cool. Sumo on the other hand wanted all out and start kicking ass. "Sumo, man... What the hell was that?"

"I'll tell you what the fuck that was it was our boyfriends hooking up with each other!" the boy hissed. "I don't know which one to hit."

"Well their not really our boyfriends just buddies. And I don't think we have a say on what they do." Clarence stated slugging into sadness. He sat on the floor with his back to the wall. "But...we can spy on them." his eyes filled with mischief. "There could be a few 'accidents' along the way."

Sumo smiled like a villain,"Yeah a few 'accidents'." they gave there best evil laughs. The closet door swung open and a teacher stood with more evil face than they had made. Both thought the same thing at the same time. "Shit." they mumbled.

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