chapter 29

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Autumn's POV

I wonder where Brody's taking me.  I can't wait! Oh I wish he would tell me.  Hmmm...He looks a little bit guilty and nervous.  But why?  Oh my god....he's not gonna break up with me is he?

"Brody?" I asked.

His eyes darted to me. " Yes, sweetheart?"

"Is something wrong?"

"No." He answered a little too quickly. "Nothing at all."

I nodded my head. "Are you sure?" I asked giving him a suspicious glare.

He laughed nervously.  "Of course.  Absolutely nothing is wrong."


Brody's POV

Oh god...Do I look guilty?  Of course I do!! I just had s*x with my "sister" !!!!  Sure, Lucy isn't my biological sister, but she's like one to me.  And I still cheated on Autumn! I feel awful! Autumn should know the truth.  I need to give her at least that after all that's happened this past week.  But what if she leaves me because of it? Of course she would leave me.  Why wouldn't she?  I betrayed her yet again. Ughhh!!! I don't know what to do!!!!  I love her so much. I can't lose her...not again.

The limo stopped and we were finally there.  I opened the door and got out first. Then I helped Autumn out.  I quickly stepped behind her and covered her eyes.  She giggled.  "Don't look.  I want you to be amazed when you see it." I told her.

I led her a few feet away and onto the sand. "Are we at the beach?" She asked.

"You'll see in a minute."  We finally got to where I wanted.  "Ok.  open your eyes in 3, 2, 1" I pulled my hands away and she gasped.  She looked in awe at the romantic table set for two with 2 candle and a single rose in the center, In the middle of the beach.  White Christmas lights surrounded the table on the beach floor and rose petals were thrown all around.  Autumn grinned form ear to ear.  She turned around and attacked me with a hug.

"It's beautiful Brody." 

"Come one, let's go eat."  i led her to the table and pulled her chair out like a gentleman.  I then sat down to a nice Italian dinner. We ate with the occasional conversation in-between. Dessert was  next.  The waiter brought us each a slice of cheesecake...but there was something extra in Autumn's.  I stopped her before she took a bite of her cheesecake.  She gave me a confused look.

"Before you eat that, I have to tell you something."   I decided to finally tell her about earlier today.  she should know.  Autumn nodded for me to continue.  I hesitated, but came to my senses. "I did something I shouldn't hav done today."

"What do you mean?" She asked, starting to get scared.

I looked deep into her eyes and put my hand on top of hers. "I slept with Lucy." I stated quickly and nervously.  Autumn's face dropped and hurt was in her eyes.  She pulled her hand away from mine and tears threatened in her eyes.  "It was nothing. I swear. It was just a last time thing.  Lucy was still in love with me, so if i slept with her one last time she promised to leave us alone.  After that, she realized she doesn't love me like she used to.  I'm so sorry Autumn, I just thought you should know that.  I don't want to keep any secrets from you."

She looked like se was thinking.

"Please say something." I begged.

"I don;t know what to say Brody.  Is that what I didn't need to know earlier today?"

I nodded my head, confirming. 

"So what now?"

"Well, if you forgive me, eat the cheesecake.  If not, just walk away now." I stated.  "Just know, that I love you more than anything.  I shouldn't have done anything with Lucy and I hate myself for that.  I can't get the guilt out of my head.  I love you and I'll say it for the rest of my life even if you don't love me."

Autumn looked down, took the fork and began eating the cheesecake. Bite by bite, I waited patiently for her to get to the center.  When she did, she stopped and got a confused expression. "What's this?"

"What's what?" I asked, playing dumb.

"There's something in the's shiny and gold."  She started to pick at it and finally, she revealed her surprise.  She gasped and looked up at me. "Is this what I think it is?" She asked unbelievably.


A/N  Oooooooo.....cliff hanger!!!! What's in the cake?!?!  Next chapter will be up tomorrow!!

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