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For StydiaShipper91 :3

Gabriel was in the kitchens bunker gathering cocoa powder, cream, sugar and marshmallows. This however wasn't for himself. Same as in bed with the sniffles as the moose called it and insisted he was fine. Of course Gabriel didn't believe that and he wanted to help his Sammy get better, so he was making him a hot chocolate.

Gabriel soon made the very sugary hot chocolate and padded back to Sam's room. He made his huge folded wings appear just before walking inside.
"Heya Samsquatch." He smiled at his boyfriend and sat down next to him.
Sam took the hot drink from Gabriel and smiled.
"Thank you Gabey."
Gabriel blushed and spread his wings out behind Sam, this caused Sam to cuddle close and lean against him.
"I love you." Sam whispered and sipped the hot chocolate.
"I love you too." Gabriel smiled.


In a room a couple of doors down Dean and Cas where cuddled up close, with a blanket over them both. With Cas' ink black wings wrapped around Dean's body.

Dean was watching the tv, shouting at how stupid the characters where because there house was haunted.
"What no! Don't shoot it! Use iron!" Dean sighed angrily while Cas just kissed Dean's cheek trying to get him to calm down. It worked. Dean switched of the film, mumbling about how stupid it was and wrapped his arms around his Angel.

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