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'At first there's no pain, then you feel it. So hot, it's almost like freezing ice.' For D' Mario it wasn't about the dope-dealing, the hoes, the baby mommas, the fast money of selling crack or even finding away out. It was all about the struggle, how hard it was for a black man to find a job now-a-days, how much disrespect every one got in the streets including the crack heads, the strippers, the home-less, even the rare rich ones. But he never forgot about what the hood aka Crack Town did for all the young men including him. Being nine-teen in the deep hoods of Manhattan made him grow up, he knew some people were dragged into drugs but that was a choice. You can't do good if you don't try to, after getting justice for the abuse from his father and raising his two-year-old daughter by his self, Mario had definitely grown up. Someone from the past shows up but can he accept her, or judge her before listening to her story. RATED-R // URBAN

A/N: This will PROBABLY be another short story. I update it every other weekend, a few chapters are all ready written so far. I try to make them 3000+ words every chapter, that should be 5-6 pages. Lyrics to California Dream at the end of the chapter (the song goes to the birth of Angel btw).

Chapter 1

D' Mario pulled off his tie when he stepped inside the house. Mrs. Robinson, the mother of his first love and grandmother of his daughter, stood from the couch as she watched Mario pull his shoes off.

"How was it?" She asked with a smile, the little old lady was aways there for him and his daughter. Even after the missing of her daughter two years ago, a month after giving birth to his angel.

"It was aight, I doubt I got it." He sighed before he looked at the sleeping form on the couch, "she eat?"

"Yeah, she already took her bath," Mrs. Robinson told him before grabbing her purse and kissing his cheek, "It'll get better, Mario. Keep your head up, that's what Chanel would want."

He nodded before giving her a hug and watching her walk to her car before getting in and driving off.

He hated when she brung up Chanel. He hadn't seen her in two years, they had her picture everywhere. In corner stores, stapled to trees, and even on car windows. No one but her family and friends acknowledged her disappearance. Although he hated when he thought of her, he never gave up hope. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought of the way she would kiss his temple and tell him it was okay. She had gotten pregnant at seventeen and they both knew they couldn't provide for a baby. He wanted her to see how Angel was growing up, how she stumbled with her s and t's when she tried to talk and the way she waddled when she walked.

Being that there was no evidence that anyone took Chanel, police came up with the story of saying she ran away. D' Mario knew she wouldn't leave, especially a month after the birth of their daughter.

But he still cringed when he thought of the last things they said to each other before she went missing..

"Chanel, let it go." He sighed as he tried to work out his math homework while listening to the baby monitor for any indication that Angel woke.

"How I'm suppose to act knowing you went out with another female and we together!"

Chanel was standing above him, her eyes filled with pain. Her hair that stopped just above her shoulders were thrown into a messy bun, she had took her make-up off, and walked around naturally. He loved when did.

"I already told you, me and Taylor just friends!"

"You don't go on dates with other females, D especially my friend at that!"

Normally, Chanel wouldn't argue over a bitch, she didn't care who the female was but she could never break her and D' Mario. Now, it was like he was talking to a new person, he knew that she knew he only had eyes for her. He didn't understand why he couldn't have female friends.

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