@RetellingsUnite Tag Activity

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This is a tag activity of retelling questions done by @RetellingsUnite, and it seems like a lot of fun. So I'll be tagging other friends of mine in the below section. You don't have to write retellings to answer these questions, so fire away and enjoy!

1. What are your three favorite fairytales, folk tales, myths, legends, or classic novels?

That's easy. The Princess Bride, Pride & Prejudice, and Beauty & the Beast.

2. What is your favorite published retelling? (Not on Wattpad.)

Waking Rose - a Fairy Tale Retold, by Regina Doman. Hands down. ;)

3. Who or what inspired you to write retellings?

That book above, and also the interest in taking a real idea from life, and putting it together with an another conceived idea. It works like a charm! Also, it puts your own spin on it, which is magical. Its like you've taken an already fabulous idea, and just brought it up a million notches better.

4. What are some problems you have run into while writing retellings?

Mainly writing them in the past, in decades where I didn't even live. I don't understand how those people lived, and its hard for me to understand how things would have been, instead of how I see them in this decade and time period. It annoys me, and sometimes I'm temped to just write my retellings in the present, because it'd just be easier. Those are my thoughts.

5. Alternatively, if you don't write retellings, if you could write a retelling what would it be about?

I do write retellings, but if I could write another, it would probably be about Snow White, or about The Princess Bride. Those are my plans!

6. Do you think retellings should get their own genre on Wattpad? Why?

I'm not picky. If they don't, its not going to change anything. If they do, that's be awesomely cool. And I think a lot of people them. Its a great idea, and it would also help people easily find the retellings they're looking for. I think they usually get mixed up somewhere in the genres of Adventure, Romance, Fantasy, and/or Sci Fi, so I think it would be easier to find the retellings if they had their own genre. It'd also be cool.

7. If there are two retellings on Wattpad (that are not your own) you'd love to see published, what are they called and who has written them? Make sure to put the @ symbol before the author's username so that way they can be tagged!

I don't read a lot of books on here, but the one book I did read, a Historical Fiction called "The Boy in the Woods" by @KatherineArlene, was pretty good.

8. If you could ask one of your favorite authors on Wattpad to write a retelling, what would that retelling be? Why? Tag that author, if you'd like!

I would like to tag the same author, @KatherineArlene, because she is such a good author, and she amazes me every day with each new story she comes up with. I would like her to write a retelling in nowadays, but with elements from the fairytales Beauty & the Beast, Red Shoes, and maybe even Rapunzel. She would be great at it!

9. If you could live in a fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel, which would you want to live in?

Probably Pride & Prejudice, Zorro, Tarzan, or maybe Tangled (if that's allowed). I don't really have the greatest desire to live back in the time most of Disney's fairytales happened, so I'll say leave it to the above and be happy! :D

10. If you could be best friends with a a character from a fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel, who would it be?

Definitely Tarzan. He would be such a good friend. And Flynn Rider from Tangled, yes. And also Loki, from Thor. He is just amazing. In fact, he would be the best kind of friend, that always keeps you interested, laughing, and happy. :) Just saying.

11. You have a chance to change on thing about your favorite fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel. What would you change? Why?

I would change that Zorro never gets married to Anna Maria in the 1930s/40s tv show starring Guy Williams. I would end the story with him riding away to a far away land (not California anymore) and they go live off their life together, just enjoying themselves after so much adventure and hardship. And he can still put on the mask to save his wife, if he wants to. You know, he didn't have to quite being Zorro to marry her, did he?! It would have been an even better cover! :) Just saying. Its such a good show, and I don't know why no one watches it anymore, or why they stopped it. No one should have canceled it without an ending. It just isn't splendid.

12. If you could have a conversation with an antagonist or villain from a fairytale, folk tale, legend, myth, or classic novel, who would it be?

Loki (because he's hot, and sweet), Anakin Skywalker (because he's morbid, but still really hot, and he has an interesting way of talking with an adorable accent), The Joker from Batman (Heath Ledger's portrayal, because I love Heath Ledger, and wish he hadn't died. He needs prayers.). Please play for all your heroes. Everyone needs it. :)

Tagging more than seven people, but I just want them to get involved. Hope it works for you! x)

@the_amazing_bookmark @ClintonFrancisBarton @Smileylover10 @aftertaiste @ArafinweCarnesir @Galasriniel_00 @catholicwarrior @NatFelicia @FlynnHodgson @that-random-guy @LilMissCanadian 

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