Prologue... End of Time

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Luna tried to keep her attention on the Time Magister, but her mind kept wandering. Each story being told was just another eternity till she got to see Solis. They had never been told what would happen at the end of time, and now here she stood.

And it felt like nothing was happening.

Slowly, Luna pried her eyes off the glorious display of Solar colors, back in the direction of home. Female Spirit Forms sat around her, enthralled in each retelling of someone's life in the Solar. Luna just wanted it to be her turn, and then she could go. It didn't matter what had happened, at least most of it.

To her, Luna's life had been insignificant and worthless until she met the Sun Guardian. What was the purpose, she thought, of remembering Terro and the way he had been to her? The only memories she had treasured over the pass of Time, and the end of it, where those of her and Solis, together.

There was nothing else she liked remembering.

Then Luna heard her name, and she sat up, almost happy to reply. 

"Moon Guardian, please come." It was Tempus, Time Magister, standing in his long robe of sunlight, beckoning to her. Luna stood up, feeling her soft silver garments moving against her legs as she walked. She stopped behind the Time Magister, and let her black hair fall over half her face.

"Yes?" she said, shy and unsure of herself.

"Please begin," the male said without hinting as to where.

Luna tried to think back as hard as she could, to when she first realized she had been created. She clenched her eyes closed, and forced herself to think about it, to try and remember, even though long ago she had decided never to remember.

Now she could not forget. Her love depended on it, and for the sake of Solis, Luna opened her eyes and spoke.

[Song played: Water - by Brian Crain.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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