Journal #1 - Hello

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Life doesn't give you anything. I'm figured that out. I may not have known that, and I certainly never figured it would turn out this way, but Life has proved to me that it just wants to take. And the only thing it wants to give is hardship, pain, and lots of anger.

I know that forgiveness if an important part of life, and I know that if I don't give in to forgiveness, I'm going to turn into a hard person. A person that no one, not even God, can be pleased with. So I fight every day. I don't want to become that person that is angry at the world, angry at God, and most of all, angry at themselves and their family.

My family has always been together. But now some of them have proved that family doesn't really matter, that they only want to do things that are motivated by their fear, their anger, and their resentment. They only want protection for themselves, and so they make others suffer. They think they are right, and those that are under their authority, just have to step in line with their beliefs and their rules.

What if those rules hurt? What if those rules don't seem right to those who have to obey them? What do you say?

What do you say when a person hurts someone you love, and then expect you to just get over it, and act like nothings wrong? What are you supposed to say when they want you to believe they did the right thing, when they most absolutely did not?

I see no threat in my life, except from the person who has hurt those I love, and hurt me. My feelings are so hurt, my brain can't process what was happened, and I just want to run and leave all this hate, and contortion behind. 

Why do families have to be like this!? Families are supposed to forgive and forget. And I know that people are not perfect. They're never perfect. I'm certainly not perfect, and never have been. But all I ask is that people try to see the good in others, instead of all the evil.

Because if you do, you'll see a whole lot less evil.


Being separated from someone you love is like a hell on earth, especially if they're still on this earth, but you just can't see them. When you have to say goodbye, but there's no time to say it, there's no opportunity, what should you do?

I feel like you can reach out, and that person's there, but you can't feel them. They used to love you a lot, and you felt like you could be friends forever. It was more than friends, they were yours, they belonged to you. And maybe that wouldn't have lasted forever, but it was going to last for many moments longer. Until those enemies, those who own you, made you stop.

They brought up a great wall between you, a wall that can't  be broken unless even greater pain is involved. Guilt, betrayal, and hate have become such a big part of my life, its hard to cope. But I know that this isn't forever. Nothing can be forever, because anything on this earth doesn't last. Not even pain, danger, or betrayal.

Only love stands the test of time. Will you let yours last?

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