Not a Poem, An Apology

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these are the words that were never said
to apologize for the words that left you dead

a child, blinded by the sun and it's generosity
is swallowed up by its prideful demon seas

I've watched you fall for years in my dreams
never considering thinking that I could change their meaning

now I'm too old, your bones are cold
and the sea takes what it was rightfully owed.

A/N: PLEASE READ This honestly started off being an author's note, but I enjoyed the way I phrased the title so much I figured "why the heck shouldn't I make this a poem"? (And I ended up liking it a lot huh) But anyways, the point of this author note is saying that I'm currently really lacking inspiration for my work. I can't seem to come up with anything easily, so if updates are infrequent, that's why. Another contributing factor to the possible lack of updates is the fact that I currently have no wifi at least for a week (I haven't for a few days) and I don't want to use too much data. So if I'm inactive for any reason on Wattpad, that would be why. Hopefully wifi and inspiration will soon return to my life again!!
With love,

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