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As usual, Damon had done something stupid. You were one of Katherine's human friends. Katherine adored you, she never let you participate in her evil schemes.

When Katherine didn't take Damon seriously about returning the moon stone, Damon turned to the one thing she cared about; you. Damon had turned you into a vampire to send a message to Katherine.

You sat alone in your room, curtains closed as you lied on your bed. Your throat burned with hunger, but you couldn't bring yourself to feed.

There was a small knock on your bedroom door. Whoever it was had an alluring scent that made you want to bathe in it.

"Y/N?" A deep voice said, seeming to make the room shake.

You lifted up your head, feeling dizzy from the small movement. You could barely whisper a 'come in.'

The door squeaked open and the peered at your visiter. Stephan Salvatore. He offered you a sad smile,  about 12 bags of blood and a small ring was in his hand.

You smiled weakly. Stephan set the items at the foot of the bed and squares in front of you. "You okay?" He mumbled.

You shook your head. "Far from it." You frowned.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm sorry." Stephan said and took your hand in his. "Have you drank anything." He said in a small voice.

You glanced down at your tiny hand in his and shook your head.

Stephan frowned and grabbed a blood bag. He tore it open easily and held it up to your mouth.

You looked at the bag questioningly, not really sure if you should drink it.

"Y/N." Stephan sighed as he noticed you refused to drink. "If you don't drink this, you won't transition. And if you won't transition, you'll die. And I don't want that to happen." He squeezed your hand.

A tear slid down your cheek. "I don't wanna live forever. E-Everyone I love will die, and I'll be alone." You whimpered, the waterworks finally on full blast.

"No. No. No. Y/N." Stephan cooed and scooped you up into his arms. "I know it's hard. Trust me. I'll help you through this. I promise. Please, drink."

You shakily took the warm blood bag from his hand and slurped it up with  the tube. Your stomach churned as you realized you were drinking someone's blood. But you continued sucking greedily, wanting every last drop out.

You sighed, finishing. Stephan ran his fingers through your hair soothingly.
"You're doing great." He smiled.

Suddenly the though popped into your head. "Where's Katherine?" You whispered.

Stephan stiffened and sighed. "She took off. When she found out you were bitten by Damon, she didn't wanna be apart of it." He explained sadly.

Katherine was your best friend, literally. She watched you grow up from a child to the 17 year old self. How could she just throw all that away? If anything you could literally be best friends forever now.

"I won't leave you Y/N. I promise. I won't ever leave you." Stephan leaned over to grab the small silver ring. "I had Bonnie put a spell on it. You can't walk in the sun now." He smiled softly.

You blushed, slipping the ring on. "How can I repay you?"

"Stay with me."

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