Ten- enter Rukia

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Author Notes: I claim no rights or anything associated with the Bleach series and/or its characters. This story is completely my own idea as it is told from Ichigo's point of view. Some of the characters maybe a bit OC so please don't hate. Please leave me your comments and reviews telling me what you think. Thanks!

Key Guide: "regular speech", 'thinking to ones self', (translations), *mental speech*, italic-spirits speaking, bold-hollows speaking, bold italics-attacks

Ten- enter Rukia

After explaining everything to Uryu, I took back over my body and headed home. My dad owned a small hospital known as Kurosaki Clinic which also just happened to be our home. I opened the door to my house to find it strangely quite.

"I'm home!" I called out. Yuzu's head popped out from the kitchen.

"Welcome home Ichigo. I'm making dinner as it should be ready shortly." stated Yuzu.

"Where's dad?" I asked heading towards our kitchen to find Karin sitting at the table doing her homework.

"He had a meeting at Karakura General Hospital. He should be back by dinner time." replied Karin.

"I see. I am going to my room to lay down for a bit. Call me when dinner is done." I told Yuzu as I went upstairs to my bedroom. My room was nothing fancy as it contained a bed and dresser to do my homework. Once inside of my room I placed Kon's pill case on my desk along with my backpack. I got out of my school uniform throwing on some regular clothing. I collapsed onto my bed closing my eyes for a bit. When I reopened my eyes I found myself within my mindscape as Shiro and Tensa were waiting for me.

"Well I guess that you got Uryu to ease off of you for now. Do you honestly think that he will keep his word King?" asked Shiro. I looked at my inner hollow smiling softly while running my hands through my hair. When I first came to my inner world, I was confused as I didn't have a hollow mask and/or whole in my chest. I looked completely human. The same went for Shiro. It was Tensa who explained that my mindscape reflected me as I would take on the form I was most comfortable with. In my case, I would look how I used to be before I became a hollow. Since Shiro was a part of me, he would take on whatever form my mind chose.

"If what Kisuke tells me about the Quincy's are true. Then yes. He swore by the honor of the Quincy not to say a word and to keep my secret."

"Master Ichigo with what happened today, we should be on guard. No doubt that the Seireitei noticed the strange unusual happenings within Karakura." warned Tensa. I sighed softly knowing that the zanpakuto spirit had a point.

"I know Tensa. We all knew that eventually the Seireitei would begin to investigate what has been happening. Even though they are seven years too late. I won't blame them for what happened to mom. That all falls on my head." I replied.

"If you ask me King, you are to soft hearted. If it were me, I would have torn that whole damned Seireitei down to the ground because of what happened seven years ago." stated Shiro. I quickly moved grabbing a hold of Shiro's shihaksho lifting him off of the building that we were on.

"Never say that again Shiro. It wasn't their fault what happened that day. The only one who is to blame is me. If I had any clue about the truth of what I was seeing that day then mom would still be alive and I wouldn't be like this." I growled darkly.

"All right King. It won't happen again. I promise." replied Shiro. I let Shiro down releasing him from my grip.

"What happened that day is in the past. What we have to worry about is the future." stated Tensa.

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