Part 3

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Alex' POV

I don't know how I feel. Am I in one of those dreams that just feel so real? My main purpose to stay alive has disappeared. My baby she is gone. Just like that. How am I going to tell Jo that our kid was kidnaped from the daycare? A freaking daycare! Not a park or a crowed place where we could lose sight from her. A daycare. Is this really happening? I mean... God. What if she is just sleeping somewhere inside the daycare and nobody has noticed it yet? Right now, I'm just hoping that this is a really sick bad joke and my girl is safe in here still. The police has been called, Mrs. Taylor did that because I kind of froze for a while after Jo called me. They are on they are on their way here and so is Jo. How did this happen? I called Jane just to be sure. I asked her if she had gotten Camilla from the daycare because maybe, just maybe Mrs. Taylor could have confused her to Jo. Janet is Jo older sister. Three years ago, Jo decided she wanted to look for her family, it was hard for her because we were constantly going to dead ends, but she found Jane. Jane is only eleven months older than Jo, she was abandoned too when she was still a baby. Apparently their mother got that as a habit. She is a lot alike Jo but her hair is darker, like black, and she is taller. Anyways she told me she didn't have her and she isn't anywhere near Seattle but she is coming here. It's 5:47 now which means Camilla has been missing for more than an hour and half. Mrs. Taylor still swears she handed Camilla to Jo and Camilla was asleep when they left. I have yelled at her in front of the other kids and now I'm sitting on a couch in an office waiting for her to bring Jo in. I'm still hoping my kid will walk in here.

"Hey babe" I hear her voice but I don't hear a bubbly 'Hi daddy' so I guess it is true; she really isn't here. "Why are you in here?"

"I, uh... Come here." I tell her pointing on the sit next to where I am and she does as I say.

"Alex? What's wrong? Where is Camilla?" Jo says and her face is full of fear. I'm trying my hardest not to cry right now. "Alex? Talk to me..."

"Someone... Camilla she... she is not here."

"Then where is she?!" Her eyes open wide and I can see that she is fighting her tears." What do you mean she is not here?"

"Mrs. Taylor says that you... Apparently somebody posing as you came pick her up."

"What? Who?" She looks nonchalant now, which is, I don't know... Strange. I just told her someone took our child and she is... I don't know, maybe she didn't properly understand.

"Jo, Camilla was kidnaped by-"

"You're kidding right?" She interrupts me, now appearing panicked. I got a bit scared from her previous reaction "Alex? Where is she?"

That question, I have no answer for that question. Oh my god, where is Camilla? Who could possibly take her but us? I didn't... neither did Jo. "I don't know... She was taken almost two hours ago..." Two hours. She could be anywhere now. She could be so far away right now. Somebody knocks on the door pulling me out of my thoughts. I take my eyes from Jo and I see a police officer and a man that doesn't look much like a police officer coming in into the room. Jo hasn't said anything more, she has frozen since after I told her I didn't know where Camilla is, I think it has just hit her that our daughter is missing.

"Mr. and Mrs. Karev, I'm Detective Morgan and I'm here to ask you some questions so that we can proceed to the next steps." He presents himself "Ma'am I know this is hard but I need you to calm yourself. Every minute counts." He says directing to Jo. She has zooned out and it's just staring at the wall in front of us with tears flowing down from her eyes.

"Jo, babe we are going to find her..."

"Jane." She whispers and widens her eyes as if a tiny bit of hope rushed through her body "Jane, have you called her? Maybe she has her" She is smiling now, she is broken but smiley, deep down she knows Camilla isn't with Jane.

"No Jo..."

"Then call her."

"I have called her after you called me, she isn't with her... She is coming to here to be with us..."

"So, your daughter's professor says her mother came to pick her up two hours ago and-" The detective starts to talk.

"I'm HER mother and I did NOT take my child out of here." Jo interrupts him "Otherwise we wouldn't be here."

"Oh sorry Ma'am, I thought you were the child's stepmother." Is he for real right now?

"You should be LOOKING for our child, NOT MAKING ASSUMPTIONS!" I tell him, starting to get angry because nobody is doing nothing for the fact that our daughter is missing.

"So, this is your signature here, am I right?" He says looking at Jo and ignoring me.

"Yes, but I didn't sign that..." Jo seems more calm than I am right now "Anybody could have done that!"

"Sr?" I make him look at me this time "Are you trying to say that my wife was the one who abducted our daughter?" I ask him disbelieved. "Is that what you are saying?"

"I'm just verifying the facts we have here." I could punch him right now "We have her signature here and we have-"

"GO FIND MY DAUGHTER!" Jo yells at him standing up from the couch "I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU NONE OF US TOOK HER!"

"Where were you today at 4:13 pm?" at that Jo sits back down and does not respond.


"I want my mommy"

"I'm here baby girl, don't cry... shh... Mommy is here. It was just a bad dream"

"I want my blankie."

"Where is it?"

"In the toy's box"


"Are we going to the stores now?"

"Not now baby."

"But you promised..."

"We can go later."


"We'll see."

"But mommy..."

"We will go as soon as we're done with this. I promise. Don't cry okay?"

"Is daddy home?"


"Well, where is he?"

"He is... Just not here. . Are you still sleepy?"

"I don't think I am... Where is daddy, mommy?"

"Good. Can you help me pack?"

"Why mommy? Where are we going?"

"Somewhere new."

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