Part 12

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Chapter 12

"Alex?" April called out for her friend after spotting him by the elevators "What are you doing here?" she asked

"I really don't have the time to explain it..." Alex answered with his voice cracking "Come one..." he whispered to the elevator, looking up to see which floor it was at.

"Alex... Are you okay? Is Jo okay? You're not supposed to be in here." April said putting her hand on Alex's shoulder, which made him turn around and look at her "Oh my God..." she said when she noticed the tears that were forming in Alex's eyes "Have they...? Did they find her?"

"I know this is going to sound really bad but I...I..." he took a deep breath and then sighed letting the tears fall "I hope they didn't." as he finished saying that the elevator door opened and he got on it leaving April looking at him perplexed.

Alex leaned his head on the elevator sidewall and closed his eyes sighing. Oh, God please don't let it be her. It cannot be her.He opened his eyes as the elevator door dinged and opened, stepping out of it he saw Jo sitting in one of the benches that were on the floor he thought he would have never have to go to in his living time. The sound of his steps walking to the direction of the benches made Jo turn her head around and face him, when their eyes met Alex froze on his track.

"...Alex" Jo said standing up and walking fast to where her husband was standing. When she reached him, she threw her arms around his body; Alex immediately wrapped his arms tight around her reciprocating her hug. They both stood there for what seemed years, holding each other and releasing the amount of anguish they had felt for those seven days they spent without their daughter.

"Mr. and Mrs. Karev?" they heard Dt. Morgan's voice coming from behind Alex and Jo saw him first since she could see what was behind Alex. The both let go of each other and turned to look to the detective. "I'm so sorry for having to bring you here, but it is the protocol."

"Are you sure it's her" Alex asked him with tears in his eyes "It can be somebody else, right?"

"The body was found this morning in Waverly Beach. It had been underwater for approximately four days which makes-" Jo interrupted the detective as she lost the strength on her knees and didn't fall because Alex grabbed her before she could hit the floor.

"Do we have to go in there right now?" Alex asked. While Jo cried uncontrollably on his arms.

"No. Take your time." The detective answered comprehending the situation that the couple was facing "Go in when you are ready. Excuse me" he excused himself and left.

"I can't go in there, Alex..." Jo said as they were both walking to the benches so they could sit down for a little, "I'm sorry, but I... I just can't." she said and he kissed her on her temple comforting her "What if it is her?"

"It isn't." he said trying to sooth her and himself at the same time

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just feel it. She is still alive, I know it and you should too." He said and Jo looked up to meet his eyes.

"Can I stay here?" she begged him "I can't go in there..." he closed his eyes and nodded. They stood there in silence not noticing time passing until Detective Morgan showed up thirty minutes later interrupting their moment. Alex sighed, knowing it was time to get in that room, and got up to get inside. Jo was left in that hallway alone with the detective, neither of them wanted to break the silence between them but Jo could sense that the Detective was looking at her and whenever she looked at him, he would take his eyes off her.

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