The Wedding

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I started this story in fucking 8th grade and tried to forget about this shit but I guess I did some fucked up shit to be brought hell on earth. Enjoy, you greasy fucks. Fuck you.

Today was the day.

White snow glistened on the mountain peaks outside of the church where the two men were to be wed.

Norway stood tall in his dark suit, waiting at the altar for his beloved to grace the holy house with his presence.

5 minutes.

That was all that remained before they were to be bonded forever.

4 minutes.

Should they really be doing this? So soon?

3 minutes.

Of course they should. They love each other! It's all meant to be.

2 minutes.

But what if it isn't? What if something goes wrong? What if...?

1 minute.

It's all going to go terribly. They secretly hate each other. It's all just a prank. It could be, couldn't it? Some cruel trick by God just to make it seem good until they actually settle in with one another. Then fights, tears, and eventually divorce.

0 minutes.

Oh God, oh fuck, shut up, here he comes!

Denmark walked in shyly, holding a bouquet of Purple Heathers and Marguerite Daisies. The favorites of the two nations. He was wearing a white suit, tailored perfectly to his body. It was like a fairytale happening before everyone's eyes, especially the two men.

Norway sucked in his lips and tried to keep his composure as his beloved slowly marched down the hall to the soft organ's song. It was really happening, they were about to be wed.

Denmark tried keeping his eyes up and trained on his future husband. Each step he took, his knees grew weaker. It was as if he'd sink to the floor before he even reached the altar. As he passed the halfway point, he began to feel his heart beat in his chest, stronger and stronger with each step. He held his head high and took his place across from the one he was to marry.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of not only two men, but the binding of two minds, bodies, and souls."

The men joined hands and stared each other in the eyes.

This is it...

It's finally going to happen...

The pastor's words were drowned out by the blood flowing around in their heads. They just stared at each other, looking deep into each other's eyes, trapped in a daze.

"And now, the vows. The groom's have each prepared their own vows to be exchanged."

Norway cleared his throat and spoke first,

"Denmark... We've known each other for so many years, but these past few months is what it took for me to realize that you ate my soul mate. If I had to live without you, I would live no life at all. You bring joy to my life, and fill it with warmth and happiness. I am honored to be bound to you forever, through whatever may ail us. I had never spoken the words 'I love you' so truly before I met you. Those words now have new meaning, and they will never lose that meaning as I take your hand in marriage and keep hold of it for as long as I shall live."

The words came straight from his heart. No longer did he need the small piece of paper he had scribbled them on beforehand. Each word came from deep within his soul and resonated through the halls of the church as he spoke them to his soulmate.

Denmark took a deep breath, and for the first time in his life, spoke without a trouble.

"Norway... I have loved you for forever. It amazes me how we did not see the bond we shared before. Once my lips touched yours, I knew that we were meant to be forever. My life would not be the same without you. I feel that you are more than just a better half... You are my equal. You are like stars in the night sky, sugar on a cookie, delicate shells on the beach, and so much more. You are everything that makes the world better. And I wouldn't want to live in it without you. I love you, and I take your hand as well, holding on for the ride life will give us. I'm glad you are by my side."

Norway almost cried at hearing Denmark without his stutter. His words were so beautiful and confident. It was no wonder he loved him.

"Norway, do you take this man to be your husband? To have and to hold, when in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, 'til death do you part?"

"I do."

"And Denmark, do you take this man to be your husband? To have and to hold, when in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, 'til death do you part?"

"I-I do"

"You may kiss the groom!"

The organ blared, but the newlyweds drowned it out as their shared their first kiss as husband and husband.

It was almost as magic as the first kiss. Blood rushed, fireworks went over, every nerve in their bodies pulsed with pure joy as their lips met. Though it was only seconds, their kiss was like an eternity to them. If forever could have been that way, they would have stayed. As their lips parted, they both smiled and ran down the aisle.

Bells chimed as they raced down the carpet, out into the street. They were in each others arms, afraid to let go.

It was finally forever, and they never wanted to go.


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