Chapter 7

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*Noelle's POV*

I woke up to voices speaking quietly. I looked over to my right to see Rick and Carl talking. Carl! He's alive, and he's awake! I'm so happy right now.

I sat up a little straighter in the armchair next to Carl's bed. "Oh, she's awake," Rick said.

I smiled and it felt like everything was good again. Well, except for the fact that Sophia is still missing.

I turned to Carl to talk to him, "you feeling better?" I asked.

Rick left the room, "yeah, a little. But my chest still hurts," Carl replied.

I nodded and looked at my feet.

"I wanted to go back, you know. Back to the CDC to look for you, but my dad said the entire area was destroyed and that you were.....dead," he said.

"I know you did. It's not your fault, I would have believed we died, too."

"How did you get away?"

"Well, when I saw that the cars were gone, I took Dani's hand and we started to run down the road. After a whole, she tripped and hurt her ankle, so I carried her in my arms until we came across the farm. Hershel had just said that we could stay here, when your dad showed up with you in his arms."

"Oh, wow. Did any walkers follow you?"

"Luckily, no. We got out of there before any of them noticed us. Besides, they were probably too busy looking at the explosion."

"I missed you," he said and opened his arms.

I walked closer and hugged him, "it was only a few days, Carl," I shrugged.

"Yeah, but that's a long time in this world that we live in, now. Plus, I was super bored without my best friend to hang out with," he smiled.

I laughed, "yeah, well I'm going to go check on my sister. She hurt her ankle pretty bad. I'll see you later!" I said.

"Okay. See you later!"

I left the room and found my sister outside, still in that wheelchair. I think she just likes to race Shane, though. They've grown pretty close, he's like the cool uncle.

T-Dog and Dale had gone to Hershel's second well for water, but came back quickly, "There's something you should see," he said to Maggie.

I followed Maggie, Glenn, Dale, T-Dog, and Andrea to the well. I looked inside and there was a walker standing in the drinking water.

"Eww, gross!" I exclaimed.

"We need to get rid of that, before it infects the water," Dale said.

"Well, then lets shoot it!" Andrea said.

"And get walker brains in the water? I don't think that's wise," Dale said.

"Then it has to come out alive. But how?" I asked.

Maggie brought over a canned ham, and we tied the ham to a rope and lowered it into the well. Dale was swinging the ham in front of the walker's face, but the walker didn't seem to notice it.

"It's not moving or trying to run away from it, so he doesn't care for it. We need live bait." Andrea stated.

All eyes turned to Glenn, who sighed. We tied him in a sort of rope harness, and tied it to the water spout.

"Maggie, can you be our eye?" T-Dog asked as he, Andrea, Dale, and now Shane held onto the other end of the rope.

She nodded and stood near the edge of the well. I stood next to her. Glenn pulled on the rope as he sat on the edge of the well, "Bring me back in one piece. Alive, in one piece. The living part is important!" He said.

I chuckled as he lowered himself into the well. They slowly lowered him down the well, so they wouldn't lose control of the rope. "You doing alright, Glenn?" Maggie asked.

"So far, yeah." He answered.

The walker didn't seem to have noticed him yet, but he wasn't even halfway down yet.

Suddenly, the water spout tilted, and ripped out of the ground, pulling everyone forward. I rushed to try and grab the spout, when I heard screaming from inside the well. Shane snatched the pipe, and I looked to see Glenn struggling to keep out of the walker's reach.

"Guys! Get me out of here! Guys! Guys! Help! Get me out!" Glenn shouted.

The group pulled hard on the rope, until finally Glenn crawled out of the well.

"I guess it's back to the drawing board," Dale said.

"Says you," Glenn said.

They were all confused, but I just laughed because I knew what happened. Glenn had managed to get the rope around the well walker's torso.

Again, they were pulling on the rope to get the walker out of the well. Once his chest was on the ground, they pulled harder.

"Shouldn't someone grab its legs..?" I asked, but I was too late.

The rope pulled so much that it ripped the walker in half, casting all his guts and bottom half back into the well, and into our water.

Everyone groaned and Maggie said, "well now what to we do with it?"

T-Dog approached it and started to bash its head in. "Glad we didn't do something stupid, like shoot it." He said and walked back to the house.

"We'll have to seal off this well." Shane said.

Dale nodded and I went back to the house to see Carl again.


So, I realized I left out the part where Carl has a seizure, and that it's Rick and Hershel who tell Patricia that Otis is dead, not Shane, and they waited until after Carl's surgery. I'm only remembering this because I just watched those episodes. But I can't go back and fix it, because then I have to re-write some stuff and I just don't have the energy right now. Sorry if you're disappointed :/ anyway, tell me how it is so far! Oh, and also, I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, I'm on my iPod and sometimes my iPad, and I don't notice some of the mistakes. :)

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