Chapter 29

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*Carl's POV*

It's been a couple months since my dad brought the Woodbury people in, and honestly, I wasn't pleased with it at first. But now that I've gotten to know them, I'm okay with it. They're nice people.

Noelle really loves hanging out with the younger children. Carol does too, and Noelle is a big help. Noe takes care of them as if they're her own children. Especially Luke.

Luke is always with her. Always. I don't think that she minds, either. Patrick is really nice, and he's kinda nerdy. But that's fine because I am too. We talk about comic books and stuff, but Billy doesn't really join into our conversations. I try to include him, but he's pretty shy.

They lost their parents a while back, and are all by themselves. I feel bad for them, but then again, all of us have lost someone, so we've all been there.

Lizzie, Mika, Luke, and Patrick are all standing by the fences. It looks like they're talking to the walkers. That's weird.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Naming them. See? That one there's name is Nick, so we figured they should all have names." Lizzie said.

"They had names once, when they were living. Now they're dead." I said.

"But they still have feelings," she said.

"What the hell are you talking about? They kill people." I said.

"People kill people, and they still have names,"

"That's not the same. They're dead. They're not people and they're not pets. Don't name them." I said.

"Whatever, we should go read," Lizzie said to Mika and Luke.

She walked off with Luke, and Mika said, "are you coming to story time, Patrick?"

I smirked at Patrick, "I know, it's childish, but I like it. You wouldn't dig it, it's for kids." He said.

I nodded and they walked away. I should probably go find Noelle, Dani might like story time.

I ran into cell block C, to find Noe on my bed, feeding Judith.

She smiled as she saw me and I kissed her forehead. "Hey, baby."

"Hi." She said.

"Have you seen Danielle?" I asked.

"She just went with Lizzie and Luke to the library for story time." She answered and set Judy down to change her diaper.

"Okay, I thought she might want to go." I said.

"Why don't you go?" She asked.

"Me? That's for kids, Noe. Besides, I'd rather spend time with you," I said and snuggled up next to her.

"Oh, shut up," she blushed, "will you go check to see if she made it there okay? I'm really worried about her going off on her own like that." She said.

"You sound like a mother," I noted.

"Carl, I'm serious. She's always hanging out with these kids outside and it scares me. Please can you check on her?" She asked.

"Of course," I said and gave her a quick kiss, "I'll be right back."

I ran out of the cell block and into the dark tombs of the prison. I've only been to the library once, so it'll be a little hard for me to find.

I finally found it, and heard Carol's voice inside. She was reading the kids a story. I was being quiet, because I didn't want to interrupt, and was listening behind bookshelves. Danielle was sitting right on the floor next to Luke. Good.

The other adult in the room left, and Luke asked if he should take watch. Why would he need to watch out for people? I hid so he couldn't see me, and then Patrick spoke up.

"Ma'am, me I be excused? I don't feel well," he said.

His voice was shaky and he sounded nervous.

"You can't excuse yourself from what's out there, Patrick." Carol said.

"I know, it's just that I don't want to yak on the kids." He said, and Lizzie scooted away from him.

Carol nodded, and Patrick walked out of the room.

She set down the book and pulled out a case. Inside were knives.

"Today, kids, we are going to be learning about knives. How to use them, and how to be safe with them. Where to aim, point and stab..." She trailed off when she saw me.

I couldn't believe that she was teaching them to fend for themselves. What am I saying? It makes sense. Of course she cares about them, and it's logical to teach them how to defend themselves. I don't know why none of us thought of that earlier.

"Pleas don't tell your dad," she said.

I shook my head and ran out of the library. I had to tell Noelle. I had to tell someone. Or did I? I'm just so confused right now.

I took a deep breath, and decided that I wasn't going to bring it up again unless someone else did. Yeah, that should be good.

I walked back to my cell, and Judith was asleep in her crib. She slept in our cell since Noelle's been taking care of her a lot, but she usually sleeps out in the middle of the cell block.

Noelle was reading on her bed when I walked into the cell. "Hey," I whispered.

She closed her book, "hi." She climbed down off her bunk and set the book down on the table.

"Your sister is fine," I said and she hugged me.

"Thank you for checking on her, I really appreciate it." She said and kissed my cheek.

I shrugged, "it wasn't a problem, really."

I wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "We should probably get some sleep, it's pretty dark out." I suggested and she nodded.

She started to climb back up to her bed, but stopped, "it's cold," she said and pouted.

"You can cuddle with me," I said and she smiled.

She laid down next to me and I wrapped my arms around her, "much better," she whispered and I kissed her head.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she said.


Hey guyssssss:) I'm sooooo close to 1k reads!!! I can't believe it!! Keep reading;) and commenting because I love your comments!!! Anyways I'll update again soon!<333

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