Chapter One

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[Tori's P.O.V]

I smiled at Shawn and Evan as I sat down for breakfast and my Aunt Becky put down a plate of chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries and cream infront of me

"Thanks" I said, smiling at her as I began eating

"It's alright" She said  "Oh, and happy birthday"

I looked down at my lap, smiling, trying not to giggle as I swallowed a blueberry

"Aww someone's blushing" Shawn teased, pinching my cheeks

"Shawn, let go of my cheeks" I said calmly, and slowly, glaring at him

He took his hands away from my face and gulped

I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink, quickly going to get changed

I noticed a letter on my bed addressed to me, and recognising the handwriting

"Nononononono.... He's coming back for me" I whispered, reading the letter  "Im going to die"

My eyes filled with tears and I slumped down onto the floor, crying

"Tori, what's wrong?" Shawn asked worriedly, bending to my side, then he saw the letter  "I wont let him get you. I promise"

I cried into his chest as he held on to me in a brotherly way

"Hey.. You so happy you burst into tears?" Evan asked, coming in

"Does it look like that to you?" Shawn asked his younger brother, his voice shaking worriedly

Evan shook his head "Is it that bad?"

"Im going to die" I cried  "He's going to get his revenge and kill me, like he was gonna do all those years ago"

"You're not going to die, because you've got us" Evan whispered, hugging me

I couldn't say anything. I just sobbed into my cousins' chests


"Why're you looking so down? It's your birthday" My bestfriend, Joshua asked me

"Because today's just been really bad" I told him  "I woke up in a bad mood, anyway" I lied

I actually woke up extremly happy, but then my mood dropped when I read the letter

"Aw, come on, sweetcheeks, cheer up" Jaiden said, puckering his lips playfully

I laughed and rolled my eyes

"Gimme a J, gimme a A, gimme a i, GOOO JAI!" The twins' sister Tanya cheered, coming into the livingroom with her cheerleading outfit. Yes, she is a cheerleader.

Jai is on the soccer and football team. He's the striker in soccer and quaterback in football.

"Hi Tori" Tanya said, putting her poms down and sitting next to me

"Hey Tanya" I said back, as Josh put Call Of Duty Black Ops in for us to play

"I bet you 20 Dollars that I can beat you" I said

"Aww man. Not this again" Josh complained 

"And I also get to put you in the sluttiest stuff I can find and put you in cake mixture"

Tanya shot me a evil look, and I nodded, knowing what she's thinking.

Even though i'm a cheerleader, like Tanya, we're both really sensative and care about people. We're not very bitchy (but we do use sarcasm. A lot.) and hate dresses and skirts from the bottoms of our hearts. There's no way i would look at a dress, but I do cheerleading.... hm.... interesting...

I grabbed a remote for both me and Tanya, as the boys set everything up

"I get Josh, you get Jai" I whispered to her

"Got it" She nodded, as the game started

I began shooting Joshua. I got about 19 headshots and 15 killstreaks.

Then someone set the dogs off

"Shit" I muttered, as a dog attacked me from behind.

Waiting for Tanya to get in a safe place so I can respawn, I got a blowhorn and blew it between the boys' head, pressing the button and making them jump, and then lose concerntraition. Tanya took this moment to shoot them, and I respawned and shot them, too.

---(17 rounds later)

"20$. Each" Tanya and I chorused, holding our hands out waiting for out money

"Oh maan" The twins chorused, simutainously getting 20 dollars from their pockets/wallets and gave the money to us

"Thanks" I said, going up to Tanya's room and setting up all of the make-up and stuff

-----(3 days later)

"Come on" I said, dragging the boys

"Tori, you're hurting my hand" Jai complained, trying to wriggle his wrist out of my hand

"You're only gonna make it hurt harder and burn if you do that" I told him, tightening my grip around his wrist. He tried prying my fingers off me, put my hand wouldn't budge

Someone snook up behind me and put their hand over my mouth, and I instantly let go of my 2 friends, struggling and tryin to get out of the grip

Their arm wrapped around my waist and I struggled even harder, trying to scream but it was muffled

Jai's eyes widened and then blackness took over...

[Jaiden's P.O.V]

My eyes widened as Tori got knocked out

"TORIII!!" I yelled, as she got dragged away

"Jai... What happened?" Josh asked me

"Tori just got kidnapped?" I suggested  "Right infront of our eyes"

"We need to follow her" Josh said frantically waving his arms around

I nodded and went to go get Shawn and Evan, who exchanged worried looks when I said a man took her

Evan and Josh went together in Josh's car, while Shawn and I run, trying to follow the kidnapper

After an hour and half, and no luck what-so-ever, we gave up and went back, silently, wondering why we let him get away with Tori....


A/N: HI! This is my first story, and this is probably rubbish, so yeah.. sorry.

More characters will be introduced in the next few chapters.

Okay, bye!

Lottie xD

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