Chapter Two

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[Shawn's P.O.V]

I can't believe we let him get her. I promised Tori I'd protect her.... But now she's gone.... And I can't do anything.

If my mom calls the police, then SocialServices ChildCare will get involved, and when we find her, she's have to go back into Foster Care. 

There's a reason my mom and dad adopted Tori. She's family. What Lucas did to her was horrid. I would never dream of doing that to my own kids.

Even though she's actually my cousin, Tori's like the little sister i've always wanted. That I can try to protect with my life, and when any boys break her fragile little heart i'd beat them up for her. Even though she's pretty capeable to kill them. That's how strong my baby girl is. She took up boxing for about 2 years then Karate. And now she's a cheerleader. What makes it funny is she wont even look at or touch a dress, though.

She hates make-up as well. Even when she went through that horrible time everyone calls puberty, she never wore make-up. If we're going anywhere posh and she has to wear a dress and make-up, she will put up a fight. You have to tie her to a chair to put make-up on her, and do her hair. She usuallly just puts her hair into a fishtail braid, and wears baggy tshirts and sweatpants. If it's cold she's wear a sweatshirt but that's hardly ever. And her old tattered converse. Evan and I go through about 6 pairs of converse and hightops in a year. She only needs 4 pairs of shoes. A pair of School Shoes, a pair of converse, a pair of hightops, and a pair of pointe shoes, for her dancing and cheerleading.

"What're we gonna do?" I mumbled, as Evan paces around the living room and Jai and Josh keep checking their phones, incase they get a text or phonecall

"We have to go find her. Mom can't afford losing her again" Evan said

"Either way, Tori's gonna get hurt" I said  "Weather Lucas hurts her or she has to go into foster care"

"Lucas?" Jai asked

"We'll tell you when we get her back" I said

"What if we don't get her back?" Josh asked

"We have to" Evan and I chorused


[Tori's P.O.V]

I woke up in a warm comfortable bed, but it's not mine. My bed has a certain smell to it. Of deodrant spray. Not women's deodrant spray, though. It's usually men's Lynx spray. I just like the smell of that stuff, plus girls stuff smells weird, and I usually hang with the boys. It's like I understand boys, in a way. They just don't exactly understand girls, but they do understand me.

Anyway... The room smells like scented candles and freshly baked bread

I opened my eyes, and to my surprise, it's not dark, but not light either.

"Oh... You're awake..." A familar voice mumbled

"Connor" I whispered, turning my head to him

"Tori it was either you or me" He said, as I sat up  "Lucas threatened me, saying that if I didn't get you, he'd be the one to get you and he'd kill you"

"You won't let him get me" I said "You promised when I was 10. You said that if he ever laid a finger on me you'd kill him. Connor, what happened to that promise?"

"I promised to love and protect you. And I still do love you, Tori. I still love you, and I want to protect you. I want to keep you safe"

He sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand, tracing circles on my nuckles

I used my free arm to wrap around his torso. He let go of my hand and pulled me into a warm, loving hug

The doors burst open and Connor let go of me, standing by the bed and I rolled over, pretending to be asleep

"I know you're awake, Victoria" Lucas' voice boomed, before his alcohol smelling breath hit my face,  "Don't even try to deny it." He kissed my cheek and I let out a small wimper

He grabbed me and roughly picked me up, taking me out of the room

"CONNOR!!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes, as I got dragged away


[Connor's P.O.V]

"CONNOR!!" Tori shouted, as Lucas dragged her out

"I'll find you. I promise" I whispered to myself

I grabbed my shoes and quickly put them on, before running the way Tori got dragged

"TORI" I yelled, checking every room possible

"Connor" He muffled screams yelled

In the last room I thought of.

Im so stupid.

I ran to Lucas' room and tried opening the door.

I banged on it and shouted

"Get. Off. Me." Tori struggled to say. I could tell Lucas is touching her in inapropriate places

I managed to open the door and my thoughts are right.

"Get off her" I growled, my protective side coming through

"Or what?" Lucas laughed  "You'll telll the police like your pathetic sister did?" He slapped me  "Im ashamed of you two"

He got off Tori, and she sighed in relief, before he grabbed her boob and sqeazed it

Her breath hitched as she bit her lip, and slamming her eyes shut


"Im sorry. I'll never let him touch you again" I said, hugging Tori

"Just take me back to Auntie Becky's" She cried

I nodded and took her out to my car, and driving her to our aunt's house


"TORI" Our oldest cousin Shawn shouted, hugging her  "I thought he'd killed you or something"

"I was so stupid" Tori cried

"Babe, you did the right thing" Evan said to her, also hugging her, then he hugged me  "Thanks Connor"

"It's alright" I said  "Anything for my baby sister" 

"I love you" Tori said, hugging me

"I love you, too" I hugged her back, then kissed her forehead   "I kept that promise, didn't I?"

She smiled and held onto me tight  "Don't go, Connor"

"I have to. I've got a job to go to" I said quietly, going out

"No, Connor, stay, for a little while, it's alright" Aunt Becky said to me  "Even if it's just for a week or two. I barely got to see you as a child, and when you was a teenager. Now you're almost an adult and I just want to spend some quality time with my only nephew"

"Okay" I said, hugging her

"Welcome back to the family" Becky said



HI! Second chapter. You're so lucky.

So do you like Connor's character?  and who do you think Lucas is? I'lll give you a clue: He isn't Tori's dad....

Okay.. BYE!


FearlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora