Chapter Four

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[Tori's P.O.V]

"He's gonna hurt me, Ev. He'll kill me, and so will C-guy" I whisper as I walk into school with Evan. Him and Shawn are taking it in turns to stay around with me in case Lucas or one of the other bad men try to kidnap me.

"Carter wont touch you, even if it kills me" Evan says, as we walk over to gym. Well, gym for him, cheerpractice for me

"This is why you're such a good cousin to me" I say, I freeze in my spot. Carter is in the school ground. Wearing the basketball uniform, I scream and run to the girls' bathroom, followed by Tanya

Tanya knows about what Carter used to do to me

"How the hell is he here?" I whisper though my tears, "He's not aloud 20 foot near the school crossings"

"And they're like, 15 meters away from the school" She adds. The bell rings and I wipe my tears, before we go to cheerpractice


My breathing increased as the teacher makes Carter sit next to me

"You'll never get away, it will never end" He threatens

"Mr Crovejack, I need the toilet" I say, "And if you dont let me go, there'll be blood on me, blood on the chair, blood everywhere!"

He goes bright red "Y-You go handle your business, th-them, Tori" He says. I grab my bag and get up

"It ends today," I whisper to Carter "Jason" I use his 'cover name'

I walk out and go to my locker, grabbing the stuff I need out of it and walking to the office

"Tori, are you okay? you look pale" The secutary, Ms Elsea asks me

"What lesson is Jai and Josh in?" I ask her

"They're both in Music, is it to do with Carter?" She replies

Ms Elsea knows what's been going on with my family, since she's close friends with my aunt.

"Mr Crovejack sat him beside me, but they dont know- yet. I need to warn them incase he does the same to Tanya"

"Okay" She says, I run to music and knock on the door, going in

"Mrs Okash, can I talk to the twins, please?" I ask

"'course you can" Mrs Okash nods, Josh and Jai get up and follow me out

"You cant trust or be friends with Jason. His real name is Carter, and he's the brother I hate. Him, my dad and Lucas used to abuse me and every thing, so I called the police, that's why I live with Becky, but now they're back and gonna abuse me more. If they cant get me, they'd use Tanya as bait. She knows about the abuse, but doesn't know about the last part." I say, getting straight to the point "If Carter lets Lucas get hold of me, god knows what he'd do to me... If my dad gets hold of me, he'd rape me and then tie me up, leave me there in pain and starve to death, and let Lucas and Carter use me as a toy"

"Tori, you've never told us this, before. You look so weak and helpless." Jai whispers : "We're gonna protect you, Boo. We wont let them get you" Josh adds

"Thanks, guys" I whisper, crying and hugging them "I thought you'd turn your backs-"

"Tori, why the hell would we do that?" Josh asks, cutting me off

"You should've told us sooner. Is that why you upset on your birthday, and got taken away?" jai asks, I nod.

"Connor's gone, he cant protect me, no more" I cry "Neither can my sister Vanessa, because she committed suicide because of the abuse. I was too scared to do it"

"Boo, you'll get through this. We'll help you get through it" Jai says, and everything goes black


A/N: Hey, sorry this chapter's short. Im really busy, and been suffering a little bit of writer's block |(


Lottie xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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