Sugg Sunday Special

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Prompt: Joe is struggling to film his coming out video for this weeks SuggSunday and Caspar steps in to lend a hand.
A/N: Thank you so much for the comments on the last one-shot, every single one means the world! I never thought people would actually read my writing so thank you all, please vote if you like/ comment and any requests you want to see I will take! ☺️
Published: 28/06/15
Word Count: 1318

"Joe! I'm back!" Caspar called out into their shared apartment, expecting a cheery reply from his roommate. When he didn't get one, he dismissed it with a shake of his head; it wasn't uncommon for the lads to be at meetings, doing some last minute shopping or having a drink with their friends. He placed his rucksack down by his office desk and hopped down the stairs happily, whistling as he did so. It wasn't until his hand reached for his bedroom door that he heard a loud exclamation of distress, followed by a loud sigh from Joe's room.

"Hey! I didn't realise you were home!" The cheery blonde said as he swung Joe's bedroom door open. He was a little surprised to see Joe sat in his filming position with his hands brought up to his face. Another sigh left his lips.

"Are you filming?"

"Trying to. I've been here for a good 20 minutes trying to get this right, I finally got it and you came pounding down the stairs." Joe's voice, normally laced with happiness and a quick witty charm, was instead low and hoarse. He also spoke slower, as if his normal pace would result in some emotional break out he was foreign too.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry man. What are you doing this week?"

Joe paused before answering Caspar, and he removed his hands from his red face. "Coming out Q&A sorta thing." He whispered finally; It was so quiet Caspar barely caught it.

"You don't have to come out if you're not ready, J. Don't force yourself because otherwise, the amazing feeling of recognising who you are will be lost. You know you will get 100% support from everyone, especially Connor and Tyler and Troye and even me!" His cheeky smile was too contagious for Joe not to return one, and he chuckled a little.

"I don't know why I can't film...I just- this isn't my normal type of video." Joe looked away from Caspar and took a sudden interest in his thumbs, and so the taller boy sat down next to him and rubbed his back in a friendly manner.

"Can I see?"

"Sure." Joe breathed. "It's not exactly brilliant or anything, but..." He trailed off, knowing Caspar understood what he couldn't find the words to say. His back hit his blue striped duvet with a small thud as he closed his tired eyes.

Caspar felt for him as he watched through his footage, the strain of Joe's voice and body language immediately catching his eye. He came to the end of the awkwardly answered questions and cut it off where Joe started stammering out his "I have something to tell you."

Caspar placed the camera back onto the tripod before laying next to Joe. "Why don't we do a collab?" He said quietly.

"What type?"

"Still a Q&A, so you can do your announcement, but maybe you would feel more comfortable with me next to you? I don't know, I was just thinking out loud-" Caspar was cut off by Joe snuggling into his side.

"Thank you."

"No problem. You shouldn't have to feel like this, J." That name. The way Caspar shortened his name in a way that was so simple yet no one else had ever called him made Joe's stomach fill with butterflies. He loved it, but when Josh had caught on and joined in, Joe soon put a stop to it; Only Caspar could call him J.

The boys were sat up on Joe's bed now, their weight held up by their out stretched arms. Their equally blue eyes never left each others. Overcome by shyness, Joe looked down to Caspar's lips before being drawn back to his eyes.

"I'm always more comfortable when I am with you, Cas." Having seen Joe's glances, Caspar gave one small nod of his head to reassure Joe. With no further hesitation, Joe leaned towards Caspar and connected their lips together in a slow moving, loving kiss. Caspar pushed up from his hand to cup Joe's cheek, but the action made Joe pull away; he could no longer reach Caspar's lips and he pouted. Caspar laughed before kissing the top of Joe's head and standing up to adjust the camera.

"You cutie." He smiled.

The Q&A went swimmingly, full of the usual quirks and laughs found in most Jaspar collabs. Apart from one awkward encounter when the two boys leant back with their hands on top of each other, Joe forgot the main purpose of his video; being with Caspar settled his mind and he relaxed into the normal flow of filming.

"So, as you can most probably tell, I kinda have something to tell you..." Joe began to explain. Sensing his sudden nerves, Caspar discretely brought his hand up to rub Joe's back. It was different from when he first came into the room earlier, however. The gesture wasn't so platonic anymore.

"I am gay. Er yeah, I don't really know what else I can say...I'm gay. Straight as a roundabout, as bent as a U bend..." Joe laughed at himself nervously. "I am attracted to boys,-"

"And boys are attracted to you too." Caspar added smoothly, kissing his cheek.

"Stawwp." Joe smiled. "But yeah, eh, I am still the same guy you've been watching all this time and I still will be; I've known my whole time on Youtube so nothing will change...I guess I just though you should know."

Joe looked at Caspar for reassurance, and all his nerves melted away.

"R.I.P to every fan girl ever!" Caspar yelled rather suddenly, making Joe jump and clutch his chest dramatically.

"Fuck!" He jumped, resulting in laughter from both boys. After they calmed down, the pair did a matching outro.

"And I'll see you next week with another Sugg Sunday Special! Hoo-Hoo!" They chorused along with Joe's signature arm hook.

"You're the only person I let do that with me, you know." Joe said happily.

"Casp, wake up." Joe shook the dozing boy gently, who had drifted off whilst Joe edited eagerly. With thin eyes, he checked the time and sat up, acknowledging the fact that his new video was about to go live. Caspar gave Joe a warm smile before gently entwining their fingers together and squeezing his hand. The numbers struck 20:00 and Joe cowered into the top of Caspar's shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, J."

He just held him for a couple of minutes, knowing all too well how hard it was to come out to millions of subscribers as he had done so just a couple of months ago. Joe eventually pulled out of Caspar's arms and checked the comment section of the video, which were scrolling in in their hundreds. He let out a breath of relief as all he saw was;

* I knew it! Ly!
* Jaspar OTP

The smile could not be wiped off of Joe's face as he hugged Caspar again and was given another sweet kiss. Although he had suspicions of his sexuality from a young age, Joe had never been in a relationship with a boy, and this new feeling that had hung over him like a cloud all evening was something he loved.

"Thank you for helping me."

"Anytime." The two pushed the laptop aside and snuggled under Joe's duvet without breaking away from each other's arms.

"It really is a special day, huh?" Caspar asked nervously, now afraid that Joe would not want to reciprocate the same feelings.

"A special Sugg Sunday, yeah." Joe corrected. Caspar pressed a kiss to his forehead once more before letting his eyes close. Joe loved the feeling of Caspar's arms around him; it was a comfort to the boy that he was constantly safe and loved. They stayed that way as Sugg Sunday slipped into New Caspar Lee Video Monday.

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