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Prompt: Caspar is frustrated about how perfect Joe is all of the time.
A/N: Thank you all for reading, means the world as always. Have an awesome summer holidays too! ☺️💕
Published: 22/07/16
Word Count: 1030


Jo had his head resting on Caspar's thigh as they sat on the sofa. They had a long and tedious journey from Brighton to London as the couple had been staying with Zoe and Alfie for a few nights and Joe was exhausted. His eyes were closed and his small legs stretched out across the rest of the sofa, as Caspar threaded his soft hand threw his silky hair and scrolled through his twitter with the other.

Ever since Joe had uploaded his prank call video, his mentions had blown up like a balloon with some not so nice comments; fans believed that Caspar really was an asshole to Joe and made him cry even though it was clearly a joke and of course he would not treat him in such a foul way. He sighed deeply before pushing Joe off his lap and abruptly going downstairs with the TV still blaring.

Caspar felt like he always came second when Joe was around- he was always the innocent one, the small one who couldn't do anything wrong. Any other time, he found it adorable to have such a cute and adorable boyfriend but he was angry that he was receiving the angry back lash for one of Joe's ideas in Joe's video. He decided he should sleep on it to try and ease his frustrations, and so for the first night in a long time, he slept in an empty bed.


"Good morning." A soft hum rang through Caspar's ears as he woke from his slumber. His troubled thoughts from the previous night had resulted him in getting very little sleep and this made him even more grumpy. He opened his tired eyes to see Joe sat on the edge of the bed holding a mug of milky coffee, which was how Caspar loved it, and a smile plastered on his face.

"Why so early?" He grumbled.

"You have a meeting soon." Joe said softly; Caspar noticed he was doing it because he had just woken up and it pissed him off even more as Joe continued to be the perfect one in the relationship.

"That's tomorrow." He said coldly. The second he thumped his head back down on his pillow, the familiar alarm burst out on his phone. He tilted his bright screen and groaned loudly as he read "BOOK MEETING".

Joe chuckled as he got up to leave the younger boy to get ready. "What would you do without me?" Caspar rolled his eyes.

After a very long, stressful afternoon, Caspar wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl back into his bed and forget the recent events; his fans were not pleased, he was tired, his book launch had been pushed back by nearly a whole month. Nothing was going right and it was frustrating.

"Hey, how did it go?" Joe chirped eagerly the minute Caspar got in the door.


"Why, what happened?"

"Not everyone can be as perfect as you, okay? They set it back because it isn't ready yet, another month of waiting and planning." Caspar lost it a little.

"Hey, don't worry. Chill, just breathe." Joe tried to calm down his boyfriend but not realising where his anger came from, he only made it worse.

"No, Joe. I'm sick of this! All day I've been getting hate from the stupid video you did." Joe ignored the sting from the harsh words and continued to listen. "They all think I'm some jackass because of your idea to prank Oli. How is that fair?"

"It was just a prank, it's not real-"

"No shit." Caspar replied coldly. "You don't give a shit about who gets hurt do you? If it'll get views, you'll do anything without a care in the world."

"Hey, that's not true-"

"I need some air." Caspar slipped on his trainers once again.

"What the hell, Casp?" Joe questioned with his hands in the air, completely confused.

"Oh piss off. Actually, you know what, I will. Then everyone will know I'm the bad guy. Again." Caspar slammed the door shut, leaving Joe still and dumbfounded on the wooden floor.


Caspar came back with a clear head and a guilty heart; Joe most certainly did not deserve to be talked to like that and after thinking things over, Caspar realised that Joe was so perfect because he loved the tall boy. He would do anything and everything for him, like making sure he woke up for his important meeting on time and constantly felt happy and loved.

After opening the door to an empty living room and kitchen, Caspar didn't even take his shoes off before hurrying down to the stairs to their bedrooms. He checked Joe's room, the one they shared, first and he felt a moment of panic when he found it empty. It only vanished when he checked his own room and found his boyfriend resting in Caspar's bed with his face hidden in the pillow and his body turned away from the door. Carefully, Caspar joined the boy in the sheets and wrapped his arms around his waist. In his slumber, Joe turned into Caspar's chest and he caught site of the red face and damp cheeks.

"I'm sorry." Caspar said quietly.

"I didn't mean for you to get hate-"

"I know, I over reacted. I love you and I am sorry."

"My head hurts." Caspar crept out of bed and brought back two neurofen tablets and a bottle of Fiji water. Just like the previous night, he stroked his hands through his hair as Joe rested his head on Caspar's thigh. Half an hour later, when the tablets had kicked in, Joe sat back up and hugged Caspar tightly.

"I love you too." Joe grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and took a couple of selfies still sandwiched between Caspar's legs before uploaded one to Instagram. Hearing the notification on his own phone, he checked to see what Joe had posted.

'Couldn't ask for a better boyfriend to look after me when I'm ill." Caspar smiled and met Joe's lips with his own. Sure, Joe was perfect, but that was just the way he liked it.

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