A friendly begining

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"Craig! Get the door!" He heard Ruby yell from downstairs, Craig groaning while getting out of bed and going downstairs in his boxers. All he wanted was a weekend to himself but that had failed already.
Who even was it? It was a week before school started back and everyone that he knew was on one last vacation before hell started back. He, on the other hand, was just happy to not be with anyone at the moment.
As he saw who was in the doorway, his expression went from tired to annoyed. His tone showed it, saying a slightly angry ,"What do you want?"
Kenny stood there, hand over his bleeding nose. He didn't look Craig in the eye, but instead kept his gaze on the wall behind him.
"Hey. Stan and Kyle are out doing some shit together and Butters and cartman are 'busy', but some stuff happened and I needed to crash somewhere." He mumbled, taking his hand away to wipe the blood on his jacket.
Craig stepped out of the way to allow him to come in. "Yeah fine. But I'm going to go get some ice for your nose. Sit on the couch or something." He instructed, kenny walking inside rather happily for someone who just got beat up.
He was rather shocked that someone like Craig Tucker would let him in at a random time. Even if he did come here he didn't have high hopes for the possibility of him actually getting help.
Once Craig returned he had a wet rag in his hand and sat next to Kenny, leaning In and wiping the blood from His nose, placing the ice pack on on his nose. Kenny put his hand on top of Craig's as if to say 'I got it', but he wasn't ever good at reading signals, but he was good at being awkward, quickly pulling his hand out from under the blonds. "Sorry", Kenny said, snickering at his actions. "So...having fun in your room?" Kenny added suggestively with a wink, Craigs eyes narrowing. He turned away from him to face the tv instead, turning it on.
"Yeah because I'd totally tell you if I was jacking off. No actually, I wasn't. I was trying to sleep, but someone ruined that by deciding to stop at my house instead of literally anyone else in the whole fucking town,"
Kenny just laid back on the couch with a sigh and got comfortable, propping his feet up on the coffee table. "Hm,that's a shame though. I could've helped you finish," he said and Craig just flipped him off, standing up.
"you're such a fucking perv." He muttered and headed to the kitchen "Are you hungry? I'm going to fix sandwiches or something."
Kenny stood up as well, following him into the kitchen. "Yeah of corse I'm always hungry. Just ham is cool with me. I'm going to use your shower though if you don't mind." He said and Craig shook his head while getting out the lunch meat and bread.
"nah that's fine. I have some spare clothes in my room. I'd rather you not wear my underwear though so I hope that's not a problem." He said and Kenny shook his head, giving him a quick side hug before heading upstairs.
"always commando Tucker!" He shouted from the steps, going to shower once he had his clothes.

Eventually Craig finished and sat Kennys food on the table beside him, already finishing his food by the time Kenny got downstairs.
"You took long enough..."
"Well sorry I wanted to be clean," Kenny replied, continuing once he sat Down "You sound like you missed me."
Craig simply shook his head, getting up and going to put his plate in the sink.
After a few minutes of awkward silence Craig spoke up again, leaning against the counter,"So why are you here?"
Kenny swallowed his food before he replied "I told you. Some stuff happened at home. Dads just in a pissy mood. With Kevin moved out and Karen at her friends house I was of corse the only one to break up the fight between my parents."
Craig didn't really have anything to say and he nodded, walking over to him and patting his back "Sorry about that. Parents suck sometimes." He said and Kenny chuckled, muttering "Tell me about it."
After that they both just went quiet again with Craig leaving to watch tv and Kenny finishing his food before putting his plate in the sink the same as Craig had.
Kenny walked into the room and sat down beside Craig, grabbing a blanket and covering himself up while shivering. Craigs family always kept the house cold. That's how they all liked it and then they could just buy more and more blankets. Craig was pretty sure there was a closet in the house specially for only blankets. But just like everyone else that lived with him he enjoyed it.
"So where do I sleep?" He asked and Craig shrugged, checking the time and seeing it was almost 10pm already which was normally the time he got in bed anyways but he never fell alseep by then.
"My room or on the couch. I can sleep on the floor if you want?" He asked and Kenny shook his head, keeping his eyes on the screen
"No. You can sleep in the bed. I'll sleep down here." He said and Craig yawned before closing his head and resting it on the back of the couch whole Kenny poked his side "You might want to get up there now then. You seem pretty tired since I disturbed your beauty nap." He said and Craig got up, shoving Kenny lightly with a soft laugh
"Yeah yeah shut up. I'll see you in the morning." He said and Kenny nodded while watching him walk upstairs to his room.
//if there have been any spelling errors please tell me and I will fix them. I just don't normally read what I write over again\\

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