Schools Back

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When the time for school to start back came, Craig wasn't ready at all. He was rather sluggish getting out of bed once his alarm had went off about 5 times. Not to mention now he had maybe five minutes to get ready.
But the boy managed and threw on whatever he could find. After fixing his hair in the mirror and then going downstairs, he got in his car which Ruby had already started of corse. She had probably been waiting in the passenger seat for fifteen minutes so Craig just headed to the middle school to drop her off.
He got to the high school about three minutes after he had dropped her off since it wasn't too far away, getting out of the car and turning it off.
He hadn't really talked to McCormick much since he stayed over but that wasn't a problem. He figured it was just a one time thing anyways and that the two wouldn't automatically become best friends like they were in some stupid movie. The only reason he was really thinking about that night was because he saw him in the distance getting of corse shoved around by cartman.
The guy was a jackass honestly. He didn't really fuck with Craig though. No one did. Which made sense. But at the same time it didn't because Craig was probably one of the kids that would've been the easiest to find something to tease him about from the red racer show all the way to his moms pubes which his friends did joke about but no one else talked to him or bothered him.
Some of the girls thought it was hot that Craig was so 'mysterious' even though he simply just didn't like people and decided it would be easier if he stayed away from them. Also Craig didn't understand why girls liked him that didn't know him. He'd say it was because of his looks but he knew that would make him seem like a self absorbed asshole so he just kept guessing.
While walking past Kenny and cartman he gave the fat ass a quick shove and a "Knock it off" before glancing back at the kid who had knocked Into a tree and was holding the back of his head.
That was his fault. Shouldn't of been annoying people. But now Kenny was his problem, the boy walking beside him now and just looking at the ground without a word. He didn't know why he was following him but it wasn't a bad thing. It was kind of cute. He was like a lost puppy.
But the lost puppy didn't stay quiet for long. Once they arrived at Craigs locker he put his hood down and took his jacket off since it was a little too hot for that.
"thanks for that. By the way ah I need my clothes back from your house. I forgot to get them on my way out." He said and Craig just glanced over at him before at the lock that he was trying to open, getting it and putting his things he didn't need in his locker.
"Yeah. I drove today so you can come with me and then walk home." He said and Kenny nodded, looking at the paper he had in his hand with his information on it such as his schedule, combination and locker number. To Craigs luck of corse Kennys locker wasn't but three beside his own so Kenny just went ahead and stuffed his jacket inside while Craig finished up.
"Are we friends?" Kenny asked, shutting the locker and turning to face Craig who just did the same and slung his bag over his shoulder.
"I dont know. Are we?" He asked and took out his own schedule to see what class he had first. Oh joy. Gym. Well this year was going great already.
"That's why I asked you. I know you're friends with Clyde and Tweek and them but like- are you and I cool? Friends? Enemies? I just don't know what to call it." He said and Craig neatly folded the paper and shoved it into his pocket, speaking with somewhat of a smile as he walked past Kenny and patted his back,"We're cool."
Maybe they were just two simple words but for some reason Kennys expression just lit up as he turned around and continued to follow Craig. "so we're friends now?" He asked, hooking his arm with Craigs who pulled away and placed his hands in his pockets. "Yeah but don't get all excited. It's not a big deal. And don't touch me." He said and Kenny just laughed while standing beside of him, looking up at him and just changing the topic.
"How tall are you anyways? Like 6'2?" He asked and Craig just kind of stayed silent, questions about his height honesty being pretty annoying "I dont know like 6'4 or something." He said and Kenny nodded before nudging him "Well giant blueberry I've got to go to class. See you later. Hopefully we have some together." He said and walked into his classroom, Craig just waving bye and chuckling at his blueberry comment. The kid was a pretty big dork he had to admit but again he was cute.

Fourth period and lunch were all close to the same time. The lunch room was full all of fourth but it was put into three parts for fist second and third. Basically they just picked random classes to go to whatever one. Craig had third lunch which meant he had class first and then went to lunch after forty five minutes or so.
At the moment that didn't exactly matter but whatever. He got to his fourth period which was photography. Fourth and seventh were normally for their extra classes like band, choir, STLP, and FFA.
While Craig looked around for a seat he felt two arms wrap around him from behind to pull him into a hug. Great. Kenny. He turned around to face him and finally sat down, Kenny taking the seat next to him. "Shocked to see you here. I thought you were more of a band geek." He said with a wink and Craig just got out his things.
"that's seventh." He muttered and looked at the teacher who walked it, behind her being Tweek. Perfect. There was at least someone he liked in this class. Not that he didn't like Kenny but he was honestly getting annoying. As soon as Craig saw Tweek, Tweek looked over at the two and smiled before sitting in front of the two.
"h-Hey!" He said and Craig just waved while Kenny nudged Craig with a wink, speaking as he got out his things,"You've gotta do more than just wave to your boyfriend. You should at least say something to him." He said, Craig swatting his arm away and glaring at the desk while Tweek blushed.
"We're not dating." He said, figuring Kenny knew that but apparently not unless he was just teasing him.
"Really? Cartman told me you were. Honestly the other day when I slept with you I was shocked you let me because you had a boyfriend." He said and Craig rested his forehead on his hand with a rather annoyed sigh "Don't say it like that. People will think we fucked or something. And I'm not even gay. I've said this multiple times." He Said, the bell ringing before Kenny could speak and Tweek just turned around in his seat.
"Just so we will get to know each other better, I would like all of you to pair up with the person beside you and for a month just get to know each other. You can do whatever you want but just make sure you can tell the class all about the other persons personality. You can do it however as well. You can make a video of you spending time together, simply say it in front of the class, music, anything. Be creative okay? Today I'll let you and your partner decide what you're doing." She said and then went to her desk.
Craig couldn't help but groan as he looked over at Kenny who just smiled at him and slung an arm around his shoulder "Well since you're single I won't feel so bad about coming over today." He said with a wink and Craig just took his arm away from around his shoulders.
"Not happening McCormick. But you can come over this afternoon if you want I guess. Not like I exactly have a life anyways." He said honestly and Kenny just nodded and then took out his phone to check how much longer they had in class before putting his phone away.
"I have an idea for what we can do." Kenny said and Craig just waited for him to continue, Kenny of corse doing so "We could just talk today and do like a question thing and then tomorrow we could go to the park and hang out or something and we can take a video or something and I'll take the videos and you can just edit it." He said and Craig just nodded with a thumbs up before putting his hand away and turning around In his seat and putting his head down.
Kenny didn't know why Craig was being so distant but he tried not to worry about it. It wasn't anything different than normal. He was sure it was fine. He didn't know why he cared so much about being Craigs friend anyways. Sure he was kind of attractive and smelt nice and his tired voice made him want to grab hi- no. Kenny wasn't going to think like that about him. Craig was his friend and that's all he wanted. He didn't want to ruin this relationship like he had with other people.
Not to mention he already said he wasn't gay which was probably a lie, but he wasn't going to poke the bear even though that bear was even hotter when he was a little angry or annoyed. Again he just shoved that out of his head though. He didn't even like Craig. He just liked his looks. It wasn't any different from how Craig felt about Kenny though. Sure he was pretty nice to look at but that didn't change the fact that he was pretty annoying and a complete pervert.
Kenny was starting to feel awkward though just sitting in the silence so he got on his phone and looked up some random questions to ask Craig later. It was better to have some ready than have to deal with this weird ass silence again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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