Nightmares and...cuddling?

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Kenny woke up panting, hand over his chest as he looked around and then sighed. Oh yeah, Craigs house.
He thought the nightmares were over but apparently not. And they were just as real as ever. Shit and it looked like he had sweat a river.
He got off the couch and went to the bathroom to splash his face with water. Most of his nightmares involved him dying and normally he could tell that they were dreams but this one there was no getting out of.
Also the dreams normally had him saving Karen but now it was someone else saving him. Someone with a blue hat to which he could only make out as Craig Tucker since that was really the only possibility.
He didn't want to go back to sleep after that. If he was just going to have more bad dreams then it wasn't something he needed. So he just went upstairs and peaked into Craigs room, the boy fast asleep.
Kenny had to admit he looked way more peaceful when he was asleep than when he was awake. He looked calm and cute but when he was awake he was more sexy if anything but Kenny wouldn't be caught dead admitting that.
Sure everyone else already knew Kenny was pansexual, but he didn't know if Craig was even into guys like that and wasn't about to get himself into a mess like that. It was most likely that Craig was straight or even asexual for that matter.
He had never really shown a liking for anyone besides Tweek. But that wasn't about to stop Kenny from just climbing into bed with Craig without a word.
His eyes widened as he felt the boys arms wrap around his waist, Craig leaning over to his ear and speaking in a rather tired tone
"You should ask next time." He whispered and Kenny couldn't help but blush from the contact of his breath on his neck and he just nodded before closing his eyes.
Damn he wasn't ever this flustered around guys. Or anyone for that matter. He brushed it off, taking it as he was just a little shocked from the sudden closeness. Plus Craig was half asleep and probably didn't even know what he was doing.
In no time Craig was snoring quietly before it stopped which let Kenny get some rest as well, him falling back asleep soon after.
He said he wasn't going to go back to sleep but he couldn't help it now. He was just so comfortable and it was a lot better to have someone beside him to help him if he did have another nightmare.
-------------next day--------------
When Craig woke up the next morning he was kind of shocked to see Kenny laying beside him but just ignored it since it wasn't really a problem. He didn't bother waking him up either. He just walked out of the room and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower.
Kenny woke up around 10 minutes later, hearing the water running and Craig humming to himself. He just simply chuckled before getting up and grabbing his phone to check the time, realizing it was time for him to go pick up Karen.
Without another thought he just rushed over to the bathroom and knocked on the door before speaking "Hey Craig? I'm going to go pick up Karen and then go home if that's okay. Thanks for letting me stay though. I'll see you later!" He said and Craig just continued to rinse his hair.
"Alright. See you on Monday." He said, knowing that he himself probably wouldn't be out of the house or wanting to do anything or see anyone until school started back.
//this one really sucked and it was really short and I'm so sorry but I'm trying to get the transition at the moment. It'll get better and less boring soon.\\

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