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Farkle walked into the small coffee shop, taking a deep inhale of the lingering scent. He glanced down at his phone. He had about an hour until his Master's level Physics class begun. Maybe he'd choose a large coffee instead of the small he was planning on ordering.

He walked over to the line and stood in place. Despite his more recent decision on the size, he was not sure what flavor he wanted, or if he wanted his coffee hot or cold. Normally, for the sake of time and effort, he drank his coffee black. However, the flavorings and additives were welcomed when he had a taste for them.

His eyes were baring into the chalkboard menu until a motion from below his eyelevel caught his attention. A small boy with sandy blonde hair was tugging at his mother's arm as she tried to order her drink. The woman's sleek, straightened blonde hair moved with every motion jerk of her arm. He watched as she momentarily glanced from the barista to the little boy without even turning her body completely around, saying something in a hushed tone that resulted in the boy completely flopping to the floor.

Farkle cringed. He'd always liked children. It wasn't that he was bothered by the scene in front of him, but had he been in the blonde's shoes, he would've just scooped the child up and went on with his business.

As the little boy fell into the floor, he tugged his mother down in his direction, causing her to lose grip of his hand. The little boy immediately bolted, taking off towards the door of the shop. As if it were second nature, Farkle stepped out and held his hand out to catch the boy mid-run. As soon as he stopped, he turned the boy around and put an arm around his chest to keep him steady.

He stared down at the boy, who had settled himself and stared back at him. Farkle's eyes met the boy's bright blue eyes and his eyebrows knit together. There was something strange about the boy's features. Maybe his blue eyes just didn't look right sitting against his freckled face. Maybe the way the boy smiled through gritted teeth, something he remembered himself doing through childhood and middle school, just reminded him of the past. Maybe he was still in shock as to how this little boy went from hurricane to a light rain within moments. He didn't look up until a pair of ripped jeans and black army boots came into sight.


That voice.

He couldn't look up. He couldn't bring himself to look up.

He had to look up.

Slowly, he raised his head to look at the blonde standing in front of him. The boy slipped from in his grasp and immediately headed back to his mother, wrapping himself around her leg.  Their eyes met, and Farkle could've heard a pin drop for what seemed like hours until he finally found one word to speak.


puzzle pieces {markle}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora