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Amillian pov~
It's been a good weekend Michael checked in with me a couple of times and it was cool. I couldn't stop thinking bout our kiss. It was so passionate.. So sweet.. It was good!What did it mean? I heard my doorbell ring and I walked in my living opening the door. Standing there's.. It's my family.. ITS MY  FAMILY? "Uh Ma Ma, papa, what are you doing here?" My mother, step father, brother and Josef? What was Josef doing here? If you didn't know. Josef is my ex boyfriend, we broke up since I  went away from Italy to college then New York. "Well we wanted to have a surprise visit. Is it not good to see a mothers daughter and how she doing?" That's why it's called phone. "Uh anyway." They looked around and my papa hugged me. "Ah you growing up so fast. With your brief case. Where do you work?" Well time for the surprise. "MJJ cooperations I'm uhm his secretary." My mother smiles big hugging me tighter. "I'm so pride of you honey." I smiled hugging her back. Bernado came over smiling in my face. (A/N this is Bernardo and Josef, they played in this musical move called West side story way back then)

 (A/N this is Bernardo and Josef, they played in this musical move called West side story way back then)

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"I'm proud of you sister

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"I'm proud of you sister." I rolled my eyes giving him a hug. Me and Bernardo are close very close. "Thanks Nardo. Now where is that wife of yours?" She chuckled patting my head. "In Italy with your nieces and nephews." I missed my nieces and nephews.. Josef came up smiling but I didn't return it back making him frown. "Josef." He looked at me smiling again. "Amillian." I looked at the clock noticing it's my time to goo. "Oh I'm gonna be late for work." My papa kissed my forehead. "Alright Josef can you take her there. Me and your mother and brother have to get back to our hotel. Oh did I say, my papa Owns olive oil company.. Yep.. He does. "Uh it's okay papa." He held out his hand. "Nonsense. He will take you Amillian." How can I say no to papa. I know he's not your real father but he is kind of to me. They walk out leaving me and Josef in the room. He walked up to me grabbing my hand but I pulled back. "Take me to work. Don't talk to me." I walk out the door going down stairs to his car..

He dropped me off and followed me into the building like a dog with his owner. "What are you doing Josef." He kissed my hand and I wipe it on his suit. "Mio amor, have lunch with me." I scoff crossing my arms. "No thank you." I walked off but he pulled me back twirling me into his little buff arms. "Please mio amor." I sighed getting out of his grip. "If I say yes would you leave me alone?" He nod and smiled. "Alright. Lunch, now leave me alone." He smiled walking away and I walked off to my office. Ashton accompanied me by my side. "Girl you have men all over you. You and me Jackson out yesterday and mr. Italian noodle." I raised my eyebrow stopping myself from walk looking over at him. "Where did you hear this?" He looked all over but not looking at me. I stared him hard making him give up. "It's all over this building. Gossip girl." I groan walking to my office but stopping again hearing them talk about me.. It wasn't good. It was negative. The 'She's a slut.' Or "Wow doing the boss and has a boyfriend what a total whore." Type of talk.. I ignored it walking to my office and feeling eyes on me I turn to my left finding the employees looking at the computer pretending to type nothing on their screens. I turn to Michael all he did was send glares.. What for? He walked in dropping files on my desk not even paying attention to me. "Have it done in thirty minutes." He walked out slamming my door. What is up with him?  I heard a women talking and her heels clacking. "Hey baby." I looked over seeing her and Michael kiss. I turn around doing files.. I felt hurt.. Used... Jealous.. I put the last file down noticing I've done them all. I couldn't get that image it of my head. I guess I was just nothing. I turned the files into Ashton so he could send them wherever they go. "Are you okay girl?" I look up at him fake smiling . "Yea I'm fine." He sighed rubbing my shoulder. "Don't worry he'll be begging on your feet." He took the files walking away with them. I started on my copies for some forms in the break room. Still hearing gossip about me and Michael. I turn around  almost running into Michael stopping having an intense stare . My phone ringed and I look down  at it noticing it's Bernardo. I answered it. "Bernardo? What? Tonight? Uh okay. Yea I'll be fine." I hung up walking away from Michael and to my office.. Wondering what that conversation is? My papa having a little business party with his friend Raphael that lives in New York too. My date is? Josef . I just want to get the day done.

And that I did.. Ignoring Michael.. Ignoring everyone.. I even stood up Josef. Ignoring everything but my work. My door open traveling Michael big head. "I need you to stay overnight." I look at him standing up. "I can't-" he shut the door not even listening. What the fuck is wrong with him? How the hell am I going to tell my papa that I can't make his business gathering with Raphael. I sat down sighing. This whole day been hard on me very hard on me.. You know what I'm going! My family is more important then some low down boss who only wants to get in my pants. Like or not he can fire my ass and my family everything. I'm not gonna disappoint my papa for his whatever actions.

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