At the party

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A/N this and the other chapter will be Amillian pov Michael will be next in the other chapters!

Amillian pov~
After everybody left, I left.  The work he told me to do that suppose to keep me back I did it all. He has nothing to hold me back now. I went home and took a quick shower and grab the sexiest most appropriate dress from my closet. It was green with silver diamonds on the v part of my back showing off my olive skin. I pink up my hair and putt on my heels. Put on a bit of exaggerating make up I grab my purse checking myself in the mirror. I called Bernardo to come pick me up since JOSEF! Wouldn't answer his phone. The door open exposing my brother in a black tucks and a green button up matching his shoes. We almost look like twins. "My beautiful sister is a diamond." I smiled kissing his cheek and walking out with him to his car..

Looking at the big mansion, it was huge! I mean humongous! Raphael must be super rich but come on he worked with my father too. I walked in the home looking at all the beautiful paintings, chandeliers, people.. I walked over to my papa who seem to be talking to a rather taller fellow with blue eyes and tan skin. "Papa." He turn around smiled grabbing my hand . "Raphael k would like for you to meet my step daughter." Isn't he gonna say my name? "Ah yes I remember little Amil." Why that nickname sound familiar to me. "Wait your Big R." I smiled remembering who he is. "Yes I'm surprise you remember. You were only four when I saw you."  I smiled until I heard a voice behind me. "Amillian?" I turn seeing Michael with a tall blonde girl. "Ah Michael I see you've met my best friend daughter." Wait they knew each other? "Uh yes she is my secretary." He looked at me up and down . "Amillian." Why is everyone calling my name? I turned to my left looking at Josef groaning. "You look beautiful. Care to dance?" I rolled my eyes dancing with him since I had nothing else to do. I looked over at Michael still giving my cold stares! "Uh Josef I'll be back. Just a quick bathroom." I walked away to the balcony instead getting some fresh air. "So yours suppose to be at work." I turn around , rolling my eyes at him. "Have you every heard of getting things done early?" He scoff wiping the bridge of his nose. "I didn't say you can get off of work-" I cut him off. "Look I don't know what your problem is, but I'll be damned if I let you keep treating me this way! You are my boss, I've done all my work that even led me time to be here for my father! I'm not some toy you can keep throwing around like a game, I'm a human person. So you can shove your attitude up your ass." He made a harsh laughed as like I said a harsh joke. "Really? I wouldn't have a attitude if you came into your boss then go back to mr. Let me into your pants man! I don't try to screw my boss." I gasp slapping him in the face hard as I could. "Don't you dare even say that. You kissed me. You came on to me! That mr. Get into your pants is my ex and will be continue being ex! You don't even know what is like working and hearing gossip from people calling me out of my name! See I expected those words from employees but you.. Your just like every other damn man in this world! Selfless. I quit, don't contact me or come to my home!" I walked off wiping my tears and pushing people out of my way. "AMILLIAN!" I saw my brother walked this way but stop as soon as he saw the tears... I'm hurt and humiliated.. This would be the worst day of my life .. And it is

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