Chapter 20

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(P.S. Today is Saturday)
Y/N's P.O.V.
I woke up feeling content and warm. Mark's hoodie lay crumpled on the ground, a reminder of what happened last night. Sighing, I closed my eyes again and recalled last night. The feel of his fingers over my skin. My fingers tracing contours over his body. Him cuddling me so closely I could feel the warmth radiating off him. I jumped out of bed and jumped back in. It was freezing. I quickly got out of bed, slipped on Mark's hoodie and some slippers, and walked down the hall for some breakfast.
~later that day~
I was over at Mark's house playing GTA V. I was currently holding the most kills, and Mark was struggling to reach 5 kills. The competition: Kill the other player as much as possible. "Die! Die! Die!" "Can't get me!" "Get back here!" "Never!" Mark growled in frustration and I laughed at him. "What?!? NOO!" "Haha. Take that." A WASTED sign flashed up on Mark's side of the screen. "I win! I win!" He sighed in defeat and stuck his hand out to shake my hand. I grabbed his hand and shook it but he held on and pulled me closer. "Mark? What are you doing?" "Kissing you." "What? No you're not. You're talking to me. They're two different things." Mark rolled his eyes at my technicality. He leant down and kissed me roughly. I melted under his touch and kissed back harder. Mark pulled away and smirked at me. "What's that, then?" "Now, that's kissing. But before, you were talking. Big difference, I'm afraid-" I was cut off once again by him kissing me. He tucked his arm under my legs and supported my back with his other arm and lifted me up. "Mark! Put me down!" "Nah. Don't feel like it." "Put me down!" I struggled to say words as I strained to not laugh. "Mark! Please?" "Fine." He settled me gently on his bed. "Thank you." "Most welcome, madam." Rolling my eyes at the stuffy old name, I dodged his arms and ran out of his room to the kitchen. "Where are you going?" "Food!" "Y/N! Come back!" "Nope. I'm hungry and there's food." Grumbling, Mark set off after me. He wrapped his arms around my waist when he got to me. I continued to eat. "What's the time?" "Ummmm....." He lifted up his arm from me to check his watch. "5:31. I'd better drop you off before your Dad kills me." "Ok." Giggling I went back into his room and packed up all my stuff. "Ready to go?" "Yep." He held my hand as we walked down the driveway. He opened the door for me and I jumped in. He started the car and off we drove.
~at your house~
We pulled up outside my house and jumped out. He knocked three time on the door before putting his arm around my shoulder. My dad opened the door and stepped out. "Hello, Mark." "Hello Mr White." "Please just call me Gareth." "Dad, can we stop all the formality please?" "Come in Mark." I rolled my eyes at my dad and grabbed Mark's hand. I dragged Mark into the kitchen. "Amy, I have someone I want you to meet." "Ooh! Who is it?" She exclaimed as she walked around the corner. "This is Mark. My boyfriend." "Oh my god it's so nice to meet you!" "It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. White." "Please call me Amy." Not this again.. "Mark, come see my room." "Y/N!!" "Billie! Harper!" {A/N reminder: Billie and Harper are your sisters.} "Mark, meet Billie and Harper." "Hey, guys. Aren't you two cute?" "Come on, Mark. There's heaps to show you." "Y/N, I've already seen it all." (He's whispering) "I know, but my parents can't know." (You're whispering back) "Come see my room." I closed the door behind us and sat down next to him on the bed. "So, what do you want to do?" "Can we listen to music?" "Sure. Actually.." I'm cut off by Mark leaning over the edge of the bed, turning on my CD player and pressing play. The CD already inside started up and I hid my face with embarrassment. Ed Sheeran played out of the speaker, making my already red cheeks a darker shade. "Why are you so embarrassed over your music? I love listening to your music." "Because I'm afraid you'll think I'm too girly. That's why I always play games with you. Even if I don't like them. I-I want you to think I'm not girly." "I would never think that. I don't care. Why would you think I care?" "Because...."
I'M BACK BABY!! Yes, I've been gone for ages. Yes, I'm sorry. No, I wasn't dead. I was watching Teen Wolf. (Explanation in last update) PLZ DON'T KILL MEH!!!!!!!!!
I decided to leave it on a cliff hanger to celebrate my coming back. (I'm making this a bigger deal than it actually is. I'm going to shut up now) K BYEEEEEE

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