Broken pieces

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What is the world? What am I?  How am I living when my world is longer standing next to me? Do I pick up the pieces and try again? Or should I lay down and not fight? Because, why do we fight? At the end of the day, why do we fight so hard, for something that is easily lost or replaced? Why do we bother trying so hard for our own personal gain, when it just hurts the people we love? People say, love would be the answer. Love conquers all. But what if love doesn't want to fight anymore? What if love doesn't want to conquer? What then? Do we lay down our weapons in this imaginary war in our minds? Or do we refuse to give up, refuse to lay down our weapons, because, we want to fight for love? Is war and battle really the answer? Or is there another way to fight? Will we ever know?
I'm sorry this got deep, but it's an important segway to the sequel of this story. Don't worry, it's not about me. I'm fine. 😊 :)

Fallen| Book #1 (MarkiplierxReader) Where stories live. Discover now