Pokemon Shipping(With a little bit of fun!) Part 1

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PLEASE keep in mind that I will only use their AMERICAN names, for 2 reasons. 1. I am not trying to COMPLETELY copy Pokemon Oneshots. 2. I may or may not no all the Japanese names.



A year after Black had taken down the fabled Team Plasma(wasn't hard, really). Now he was in Nimbasa, on a bench. His Samourott barked, poking his trainer. Black looked at the Pokemon, smiling.

"Something wrong?" Yes, there was. There was a hole in Black, a hole in which was filled before he was champion, Bianca. The girl may have been clumsy and empty headed, but she was cute, and her laugh? She was perfect. Now, Black didn't even know if she knew who he was anymore. Figuratively speaking, he was the champion for arceuses sake! Black sighed.

"Cin! Cincino!" A little cry was heard. Black saw the small Pokemon.

"Cin!" It cried when it saw Black. It leaped on Black's lap. Black smiled sadly.

"Hey there, little guy. Where is your trainer?" The Cincino yipped again, looking surprised. Black knew he had seen this Pokemon before, but where... Cincino pulled on Black's leg.

"Cin!" It growled in suppressed annoyance. Finally Black budged.

"Fine, I'll follow you." He said, standing up. Cincino yipped happily.

      Black stood in a Pokemon centre. Cincino ran up to a girl who was so familiar, Black's heart skipped a beat. The girl wore a huge green burette(Or how ever the hell you spell that). When she turned to look at Cincino, Black saw her cute smile once more, this trainer was undoubtedly Bianca. I wonder if she remembers who I am? Cincino pointed at Black. Bianca looked over and gasped.


Yup! :3

I made a new decision. I say, screw organized stories. I will do what I want. Good day! :3

Pokemon Shipping(With a little bit of fun!) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now