Pokemon Shipping(With a little bit of fun!)Part 4 Christmas cheers

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Lights out!

Bianca scrambled along the ground in her basement. Her friend, John, was helping her.

"What are we looking for?" John called from the other side of the basement. Bianca continued the hunt.

"A present... It's bright green and..." Click... The lights went out.

"Real funny John, now turn them back on." Bianca said to him.

"That wasn't me!" He said beside her. Bianca squinted at him. She could barely see his surprised expression. John got up and stumbled away. Bianca heard his footsteps, then suddenly CRASH!!!!!


"D-Don't worry, just slipped..." He rambled. Bianca heard shuffling, then more footsteps. The footsteps grew closer. A hand grabbed Bianca's and pulled her up.

Upstairs... Black turned to Green, wires and a wire clipper in hand.

"Didn't know you were such a good mechanic.

"Ya, whatever, now, if your lying to me, I'm sending the bill to you." He said, throwing the wires and circuits down.

"I KNOW they like each other, they just won't admit it!" She said. Black rolled his eyes.

"Like what you said about Yellow and Red?"


Bianca could make out John's white suit.

"Good day to wear white..." He laughed to himself. Bianca nodded her agreement, fixing her glasses. Chugchugchugchugchugchug... The heater quiet down, slowing to a stop. The temperature dropped suddenly. Bianca started shivering.

"Bad day for me to were a skirt, right?" Bianca joked. John didn't respond. He put his jacket on Bianca.

"Try and find the light switch, I'm gonna try and find a Pokemon on my belt that won't squash us..." John's voice zoned off. Bianca blushed, just a little, he was such a gentleman at times. Bianca felt the walls, stone cold. A flash of light came from behind. Bianca turned to see John's Garchomp. John laughed.

"The one day my ghosts had to heal, the one day." Garchomp roared. It had to kneel just for it's head not to touch.

"But sadly, Garchomp has no moves to help us here..." He returned the dragon. The temperature dropped more. John started shivering, sitting down. Bianca slouched down beside him, nuzzling into his arm. Bianca could feel John get hotter.

"B-Bianca, what are you doing?!" Bianca blushed herself.

"I'm tired and cold, and your warm..." She whispered, nuzzling in. John laughed nervously. Bianca felt him shift.

"Bianca, is this what you were looking for?" John asked, holding something in front of her face. Bianca could just make it out, the gift. Bianca took it from his hands, studying it. It was the gift alright.

"That's it." Bianca said. John put it in Bianca's hands. John then got up.

"I just remembered something." He announced. "I have psychic powers." The lights turned on. Bianca saw the man clearly. With out a suit jacket, her wore a black undershirt, the I.I.M. symbol on it. He looked around.

"You just happened to remember that?" Bianca tried to seem angry, pretty hard when John's gives you a: "I messed up?! IMPOSSIBLE!" look.

         John looked at the pile of destruction that used to be Bianca's circuit box.

"Well, now we know what happened." John sighed. Bianca nodded, slipping something into John's pocket.

John left Bianca's house.

"See ya later, Bianca!" John called waving at her. Bianca waved back. John put his hands in his pockets. Something was in one. He pulled it out. It was the present, it read To, John. He opened it up. He smiled at the contents.

The end...

X-Men and Pokemon crossover

Hostile negotiations

        John walked into the I.I.M. building.

"Mary, status report." He said into his ear piece.

"There is a man here to see you, he has a business proposal." A lady said back. John nodded.

"Name? And who is his friend?"

"H-How did you... Jason(For those of you who have not read my X-Men series, MasterMind) and Anna(Rogue)."

"Master co.? This will be interesting." John laughed. He walked into his office.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, busy day, got stuck in tra--" He stopped when he looked up to see the barrel of a gun.

"Oh, so that's  how it's going to be?" John asked, putting his hands up slowly.

"Take a seat, Mr. Negative, we have much to talk about." Jason said. Anna stood nearby, motioning to the chair.

         John sat in his chair, looking completely calm.

What the fuck? Is he stupid? Rogue thought. No, actually, I've just had a lot of guns in my face. Said a voice in her head. Rogue gasped.

"Jason, he is a telepath!"

"Oh, you should have done your homework before aiming guns at me." John said. Jason's gun flew out of his hand and into his own.

"Now, I want answers, why did you just think you could take me down that easily? Hmm? I know your X-Men, don't deny it, it was in her head." Jason stood up.

"Then you know our powers."

"Yes, I do." John pointed the gun at Rogue.

"I also know that I can't kill you with this weapon, but I can kill her." John said maliciously. Rogue slipped her glove off, grabbing John's hand.

"Oh noo..." He moaned, passing out.

"Good job!" Rogue laughed.

"He has a very low att-- GACK!" John started laughing.

"Did you really think I was a mutie? I have these powers for reasons I don't even know." He was using his physic powers to choke them.

"Well X-Men? What'll it be? Tell me why you are here, or die." Rogue toughed it out, her face going blue. Jason, on the other hand, was unhurt.

"John, your a reasonable man, let her go and I'll tell you what you want!" John laughed.

"Who told you I reasonable? But I take you up on your offer." Suddenly, Rogue could breathe again.

"... and that's why we need 20,000,000 dollars." Jason finished.

"That's it? Why didn't you just ask? Her is a check." John laughed, writing a check for the money. Rogue gave Jason a confused glance, he just shrugged.

        Rogue stood in the institute.

"That was weird." She said.

"I know." Jason laughed.

The end

Pokemon Shipping(With a little bit of fun!) Part 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu